Which Terrace House Housemate Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Discover which Terrace House housemate matches your personality! Answer questions about your preferences, social behavior, and unique traits to find your perfect match from the beloved reality show.

Discover which Terrace House housemate matches your personality! Answer questions about your preferences, social behavior, and unique traits to find your perfect match from the beloved reality show.

1. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Reading a good book or working on a creative project.
Engaging in a sport or physical activity.
Cooking or trying out new recipes.
Going out with friends and socializing.

2. How do you typically handle conflicts?

I try to make light of it and defuse the situation with humor.
I address it head-on and assertively.
I try to see both sides and mediate calmly.
I avoid conflict and stay quiet.

3. What drives you to achieve your goals?

Self-improvement and growth.
Recognition and success.
Passion and personal fulfillment.
Stability and providing for loved ones.

4. What's your approach to meeting new people?

I tend to be very shy.
I analyze people first before opening up.
I'm outgoing and make friends easily.
I'm reserved but warm up once I get to know someone.

5. What kind of work environment do you thrive in?

Creative and flexible.
Structured and predictable.
Dynamic and fast-paced.
Collaborative and team-oriented.

6. How do you react to romantic interests?

I dive in headfirst and embrace the experience.
I tend to be shy and hesitant.
I take it slow and analyze my feelings.
I wait for the other person to make the first move.

7. How do you perceive your personal growth?

I rely on guidance from others.
I reflect and learn from past experiences.
I focus on mastering what I already know.
I actively seek new experiences to grow.

8. What's your approach to career development?

I prefer stability and well-defined goals.
I am determined and always pushing forward.
I take things as they come and stay flexible.
I focus on passion projects more than traditional careers.

9. How do you generally inspire others?

By giving advice and sharing my experiences.
By introducing fun and new experiences.
By setting an example through actions.
By offering emotional support and being there for them.

10. How do you handle setbacks?

I take a break and let myself recover.
I seek advice and support from others.
I push through and keep going no matter what.
I reflect on what went wrong and try to improve.

11. How do you like to decorate your personal space?

Minimalistic and tidy.
Eclectic and artsy.
Modern and chic.
Filled with personal memorabilia and cozy items.

12. What is your idea of an ideal vacation?

A quiet retreat in nature.
A relaxing beach getaway.
A vibrant city with lots of activities.
Exploring new cultures and destinations.

13. How do you see your future self?

Leading a balanced life with both career and personal fulfillment.
Settled and content with a simple lifestyle.
Famous and influential in my field.
Continuously learning and adapting.