Test PKS Quiz


Created 6/20/2024



Q & A

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Are you up for the challenge? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz about PKS.

Are you up for the challenge? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz about PKS.

1. What does a horse's gesture of 'snaking' indicate?

Frustration and desire to move
Contrition and acceptance of subordination
Dominant, herding behavior
Defensiveness and consideration of kicking

2. What action does a horse typically exhibit when it feels threatened?

Lowers its head and relaxes
Elevates its head, tenses its ears, raises and stiffens its tail, and holds its breath
Paws the ground vigorously
Tosses its head high with a circular nose motion

3. What does a horse's nicker typically mean?

Sign of fear or distress
A social call searching for another horse
Invitation to come closer
Indication of feeling trapped and alarmed

4. What is critical to understand about one's actions when working with horses?

Horses always act out of instinct with no learned behavior
The more you reward a horse with food, the more obedient it becomes
Your actions influence your position in the herd's hierarchy of dominance and subordinance
A human must always react to a horse's action to maintain control

5. What is the ultimate want for a horse in life?

Adventurous experiences
Freedom from the herd
Constant food supply
Safety and comfort