Which Cyberpunk 2077 Character Are You?


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Created 7/15/2024



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Which Cyberpunk 2077 NPC are you?

Which Cyberpunk 2077 NPC are you?

1. What is your reaction when faced with a difficult problem?

I buckle down and find a way through, no matter what.
I think creatively and try to find a unique solution.
I charge ahead with brute force and confidence.
I strategize and use my network to find the best course of action.

2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Tinkering with tech or working on personal projects.
Strategizing and planning my next big move.
Enjoying a concert or making music.
Hanging out with friends and family.

3. What is your primary motivation in life?

Exerting my power and influence.
Making a positive change in the world.
Protecting and supporting those I care about.
Achieving personal success and recognition.

4. How do you view modern technology?

I integrate it into my lifestyle seamlessly.
I use it when necessary but don't rely on it too much.
I embrace it fully and push its boundaries.
I control and manipulate it for my own ends.

5. How do you respond to conflict?

Direct confrontation to resolve issues quickly.
Let others handle it while I focus on my bigger plans.
Strategize and use indirect methods to achieve my goals.
Try to find a peaceful or creative solution.

6. Which of these qualities do you value most in a friend?


7. How would you describe your leadership style?

Encouraging creativity and collaboration within the team.
Leading by example and showing loyalty to my team.
Using strategic planning and calculated risks.
Commanding with authority and expecting obedience.

8. What type of environment do you thrive in?

An environment where I can exert my power and get things done.
A controlled environment where I can plan and strategize.
A creative, open environment where ideas flow freely.
A fast-paced, dynamic environment full of challenges.

9. What role do you naturally take in a group?

Innovator: I bring new ideas and solutions.
Strategist: I plan and organize activities.
Leader: I take charge and guide the group.
Enforcer: I ensure that plans are executed properly.

10. How do you handle setbacks?

I don't let anything stand in my way and bulldoze through.
I push through and keep striving towards my goal.
I find a new angle and try a different approach.
I reflect and strategize a better plan for next time.