Master of Minecraft Commands Quiz

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/26/2024



Q & A

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Think you know all there is about Minecraft commands, command blocks, and data-packs? Test your expertise with this challenging quiz that delves into the intricacies of in-game commands and the art of crafting data-packs.

Think you know all there is about Minecraft commands, command blocks, and data-packs? Test your expertise with this challenging quiz that delves into the intricacies of in-game commands and the art of crafting data-packs.

1. What is the primary purpose of the /testforblock command in Minecraft?

To teleport entities to a new location.
To check if a block is at a specific location.
To clear all items from a player's inventory.
To spawn mobs in a given area.

2. Which command is necessary to copy blocks from one place to another?


3. When using /spreadplayers, what does the command primarily do?

Changes the game difficulty.
Teleports entities to random locations within a radius.
Sets the spawn point for a player.
Clears items from a player's inventory.

4. What are 'data-packs' primarily used for in Minecraft?

To track player statistics.
To create new types of blocks.
To change the player's skin.
To modify game mechanics and add custom functions.

5. Which command would you use to set the world spawn point?


6. To lock and unlock the day-night cycle, which command should be used?


7. What is the target selector syntax for the nearest player?


8. Which command allows you to execute another command from a different entity's perspective?


9. What does the 'masked' mode do in the /testforblocks command?

Copies only non-air blocks.
Clears blocks in the destination.
Matches every block in the region.
Ignores air blocks in the source region.

10. How can you specify coordinates relative to a player's current position?

Use the caret (^) notation.
Use the tilde (~) notation.
Use the ampersand (&) notation.
Use the hash (#) notation.

11. What is the ideal command to clear a player's inventory of a specific item?


12. For which of the following purposes would you use a command block?

Storing items securely.
Changing player skins.
Creating new biomes.
Automating command execution.