Which Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Discover which Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker matches your personality! Dive deep into your interests, values, and gameplay style to reveal the planeswalker that best embodies your traits. Will you be a fiery Chandra or a tactical Teferi? Find out now!

Discover which Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker matches your personality! Dive deep into your interests, values, and gameplay style to reveal the planeswalker that best embodies your traits. Will you be a fiery Chandra or a tactical Teferi? Find out now!

1. What's your preferred playstyle in Magic: The Gathering?

Masterfully assembling complex combos and synergies.
Outwitting my opponent with clever tricks and control.
Using natural elements and creatures to my advantage.
Charging straight ahead with powerful, aggressive moves.

2. Which of these values is most important to you?

Knowledge and intellect.
Freedom and personal expression.
Connection to nature and harmony.
Ambition and resourcefulness.

3. How do you handle conflicts or challenges?

I rely on my inner strength and resilience.
I think several steps ahead to outmaneuver any challenge.
I use unconventional methods to get the job done.
I meet challenges head-on with fierce determination.

4. Which type of magic or element do you feel most connected to?

Nature and elemental magic.
Death and necromancy magic.
Fire and destructive magic.
Mind and illusion magic.

5. What do you seek most in your adventures?

Promoting growth and harmony.
Uncovering hidden knowledge and secrets.
Gaining power and achieving greatness.
Experiencing freedom and excitement.

6. What kind of environment do you thrive in?

Natural and untamed wilderness.
Exciting and dynamic surroundings.
Orderly and structured environments.
A quiet place conducive to deep thinking.

7. What's your approach to planning and strategy?

I carefully plan every detail ahead of time.
I embrace chaos and make things up as I go.
I rely on my instincts and adapt as needed.
I consider the big picture and prepare for all possibilities.

8. How do you make decisions?

I make quick decisions based on my instincts.
I analyze all the information I can gather.
I make bold, decisive actions with confidence.
I weigh my options carefully before acting.

9. What motivates you the most?

The ambition to become powerful and influential.
The desire to be free and true to myself.
The need to protect and care for others.
The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

10. Which creature type do you prefer?

Illusions and magical beings.
Elementals and creatures of nature.
Noble and heroic warriors.
Dragons and majestic creatures.

11. How do you interact with your allies?

I inspire and lead them with passion.
I strategize and plan together with my allies.
I manipulate and use them to achieve my goals.
I protect and support my allies whenever needed.

12. What's your favorite Magic: The Gathering card color?

Green - Nature, growth, and harmony.
Red - Passion, freedom, and chaos.
Black - Ambition, power, and death.
Blue - Knowledge, control, and intellect.