Which Saiyan Warrior Are You?



Created 6/27/2024



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Ever wondered which Saiyan warrior you embody the most? Take this quiz to find out which legendary Super Saiyan you are most like!

Ever wondered which Saiyan warrior you embody the most? Take this quiz to find out which legendary Super Saiyan you are most like!

1. What motivates you the most in a battle?

Protecting loved ones
Proving your strength
Seeking vengeance
Pure enjoyment of the fight

2. How do you handle defeat?

Learn from it
Seek revenge immediately
Train harder for next time
Accept it gracefully

3. What role do friends and family play in your life?

They are everything
They are secondary to my goals
I have few but strong connections
I prefer solitude

4. How would you describe your childhood?

Peaceful with a strong family bond
Rough and full of challenges
Mysterious and revealing
Filled with training and discipline

5. What is your approach to training?

Consistent and methodical
Intense and relentless
Creative and varied
Spontaneous and fun

6. What is your greatest fear?

Losing my loved ones
Being bested by an enemy
Not reaching my full potential
Being powerless

7. How do you view your opponents?

As necessary challenges
As enemies to be destroyed
As equals worth respecting
As obstacles to be overcome

8. How do you respond to a teammate in trouble?

I rush to help immediately
I evaluate if they can manage first
I assist strategically
It depends on my mood

9. How important is honor in a fight?

It's everything
It's secondary to victory
It's situational
I rarely think about it

10. What kind of environment do you prefer to relax in?

A calm, natural setting
A space dedicated to training
In the company of friends and family
Alone in a quiet place