Legendary College Hoop Stars Who Never Saw NBA Glory: Trivia Quiz

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/25/2024



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Think you know the college legends who never made it to the NBA? Test your knowledge and see if you can identify these incredible players who shined on campus courts but missed the professional stage.

Think you know the college legends who never made it to the NBA? Test your knowledge and see if you can identify these incredible players who shined on campus courts but missed the professional stage.

1. Which player is known as 'Helicopter' for his high-flying performances in college basketball?

Tom Chambers
Herman Knowings
Raymond Lewis
David Thompson

2. Which college did Skip Wise represent during his notable college career?

Clemson University
Purdue University
Indiana University

3. Approximately how many points and rebounds did Joe Holup average during his senior year at George Washington University?

25 points, 23 rebounds
20 points, 18 rebounds
15 points, 10 rebounds
18 points, 14 rebounds

4. Which player was one of the top recruits in 2001 and played at DePaul but never made it to the NBA?

Ronnie Fields
Kwame Brown
Eddy Curry
Darius Miles

5. Which player famously averaged 23.5 points and 7.7 rebounds during Indiana's undefeated 1975-76 campaign?

Bob Kurland
Rick Mount
Kent Benson
Scott May

6. Who led UCLA to a national championship in the mid-90s and is known for later challenging the NCAA's rules on name, image, and likeness?

Bill Spivey
Ed O'Bannon
Jimmer Fredette
Scott May

7. Fly Williams, a college basketball legend, played for which university?

Austin Peay State
George Washington
Indiana University

8. Which player was known as 'Hook' and had a significant impact in college basketball but never played in the NBA?

Demetrius Mitchell
Fly Williams
Raymond Lewis
Herman Knowings

9. Where did Raymond Lewis achieve his remarkable college playing career?

Cal State LA
DePaul University
St. John's University
West Texas A&M

10. Which player had multiple seasons averaging over 20 points and 20 rebounds per game in his college career?

Joe Holup
Ed O'Bannon
Jimmer Fredette
Scott May

11. Bob Kurland is noted for his college career at which institution?

Oklahoma State
Purdue University
Indiana University

12. Which player was known as 'White Magic' and had a significant international basketball career but never played in the NBA?

Sergio Llull
Dejan Bodiroga
Alexander Belov
Dimitris Diamantidis