Find Your Perfect Oasis Song Based on Your Mood

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/7/2024



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Are you feeling down, euphoric, introspective, or just want to rock out? Discover the Oasis song that perfectly matches your current mood!

Are you feeling down, euphoric, introspective, or just want to rock out? Discover the Oasis song that perfectly matches your current mood!

1. How are you feeling emotionally right now?

I'm feeling upbeat and confident.
I'm feeling vulnerable and need comfort.
I'm feeling nostalgic and reflective.
I'm feeling hopeful and inspired.

2. What's your current environment like?

I'm with friends, feeling the vibe.
I'm out in nature, feeling connected.
I'm in a crowded place, needing an energy boost.
I'm alone at home, thinking about life.

3. What kind of music are you in the mood for?

Something soothing and comforting.
Something uplifting and hopeful.
Something reflective and deep.
Something energetic and powerful.

4. What motivates you the most in a song?

Hopeful and inspiring themes.
Nostalgic lyrics that make me think.
Catchy, energetic beats.
Emotionally powerful vocals.

5. How would you describe your current state of mind?

Hopeful and yearning.
Contemplative and introverted.
Confident and energetic.
Sensitive and emotional.

6. What do you hope to feel after listening to a song?

Comforted and understood.
Hopeful and inspired.
Revitalized and motivated.
Reflective and nostalgic.

7. Do you prefer songs with more introspective lyrics or high-energy instrumentals?

A balance of both.
Introspective lyrics.
Mainly vocals with catchy chorus.
High-energy instrumentals.

8. What's a typical scenario where you listen to music?

At social gatherings or parties.
Relaxing at home.
While commuting or traveling.
During a workout or exercise.

9. How important are the lyrics to you in a song?

Somewhat important, but I enjoy a good melody too.
Not that important, I prefer the energy of the music.
Very important, I love meaningful lyrics.
I enjoy both a great melody and meaningful lyrics.

10. How would you describe the current phase of your life?

A time of reflection and introspection.
Navigating through emotional challenges.
Feeling grounded but seeking inspiration.
Looking for excitement and fun.

11. What type of message do you want your music to convey?

Messages of deep reflection.
Messages of energy and excitement.
Messages of comfort and reassurance.
Messages of hope and perseverance.

12. What do you cherish most about music?

Its ability to inspire hope and freedom.
Its ability to move and comfort me.
Its power to energize and motivate me.
Its capacity to make me think and reflect.