Which Hearthstone Class Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Discover your Hearthstone alter ego! This quiz will delve into your gameplay style, deck-building preferences, and strategic decisions to reveal which of Hearthstone's iconic classes best represents you.

Discover your Hearthstone alter ego! This quiz will delve into your gameplay style, deck-building preferences, and strategic decisions to reveal which of Hearthstone's iconic classes best represents you.

1. What's your preferred type of card to include in your deck?

Flexible minions with combo potential
Powerful spells
Totems and elementals
High health minions

2. How do you typically approach the early game?

Build armor and start trading
Set up for mid-game with strategic plays
Clear the board with spells
Flood the board with minions quickly

3. What kind of game strategy do you prefer overall?

Combo-based and flexible
Defensive and control-oriented
Versatile and adaptable
Aggressive and fast-paced

4. How do you deal with challenging board situations?

Heal and outlast the opponent
Set up combos to turn the game around
Summon and buff minions to regain control
Use damage spells to clear the board

5. What's your favorite type of minion effect?

Taunts to protect your other minions
Deathrattles with impactful effects
Battlecries that enhance other minions
Spell synergy and enhancements

6. What kind of hero power do you prefer?

Utility hero power with versatility
Healing hero power
Damage dealing hero power
Armor gaining hero power

7. How do you handle your mana curve when building a deck?

Low curve for aggressive tempo
High curve for late-game power
Smooth curve for consistent play
Flexible curve for combo and adaptability

8. What is your favorite class theme?

Flexibility and surprise tactics
Dark magic and sacrifices
Physical strength and defense
Elementals and nature

9. When it comes to finishing a game, what do you rely on?

High-damage spells for a quick finish
Overwhelming the board with minions
Outlasting and grinding down opponents
Executing powerful combos

10. How do you deal with your opponent's big threats?

Execute a combo to neutralize threats
Control with minions and board presence
Use silence and debuffs
Direct removal spells

11. What's your approach to card draw and resource management?

Efficient use of limited resources
Rely on value generation and sustainability
Consistent card draw throughout the game
Burst draw for critical turns

12. How do you prefer to disrupt your opponent's strategy?

Powerful disruption spells
Outlasting and wearing them down
Strong and persistent minions
Executing disruptive combos

13. How important is unpredictability in your playstyle?

Some unpredictability is fun
I prefer consistent and reliable outcomes
Essential, love the unpredictability
A mix of both, depending on the situation