How Real was Jesus? Take this Quiz to Test Your Knowledge


Created 6/25/2024



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Think you know all about the historical existence of Jesus? Test your knowledge and find out how real Jesus actually was with this quiz!

Think you know all about the historical existence of Jesus? Test your knowledge and find out how real Jesus actually was with this quiz!

1. Which scholar asserts that the historical Jesus certainly existed based on clear evidence?

Bart Ehrman
Earl Doherty

2. According to Michael Grant, which academic standard can reject the existence of Jesus?

Conventional historical criticism
Mythical storytelling

3. Which event in Jesus' life commands almost universal assent among historians?

His resurrection
His crucifixion

4. What is the main argument used to support the Christ myth theory?

Jesus never existed
Jesus was merely a historical figure, not divine

5. Which Roman historian mentioned Jesus' crucifixion?

Pliny the Younger

6. In which time period do most scholars agree that Jesus lived?

First-century Roman-occupied Palestine
Second-century Byzantine Empire

7. Which of the following best describes modern scholarly consensus on Jesus?

He was a historical figure
He was a mythical invention

8. What was Jesus well-known for according to historical consensus?

Performing parables
Engaging in military campaigns

9. Whose writings support the historical existence of Jesus besides the Bible?

Josephus and Tacitus
Homer and Herodotus

10. According to Bart Ehrman, what do virtually all competent scholars agree on?

Jesus certainly existed
Jesus' existence is uncertain