What's Your Guitar Genre?


Created 6/21/2024



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Discover your guitar genre and find out which style suits you best! Take this quiz to determine your musical personality and the genre that matches your playing.

Discover your guitar genre and find out which style suits you best! Take this quiz to determine your musical personality and the genre that matches your playing.

1. What kind of setting do you imagine when you're playing your guitar?

On a big stage with flashing lights
In a cozy coffee shop
In a dark and moody club
At a sunny park

2. Which guitar tone do you prefer?

Heavy distortion
Warm and clean
Crunchy and edgy
Acoustic and natural

3. What kind of band would you like to be part of?

A rock band that plays stadiums
An indie band that tours small venues
A punk rock band with raw energy
A folk band with a laid-back vibe

4. Which of these guitarists inspires you the most?

Jimi Hendrix
John Mayer
Johnny Ramone
James Taylor

5. What type of lyrics resonate with you the most?

Rebellious and loud
Introspective and thoughtful
Political and direct
Heartfelt and storytelling

6. What's your favorite way to practice guitar?

Jamming along with loud backing tracks
Playing along with mellow songs
Learning fast-paced riffs and solos
Strumming along to campfire songs

7. How do you feel about improvisation?

Love it! It lets me express myself fully
I enjoy it, but prefer structured songs
Not my style, I prefer riffs
Only if it’s relaxed and not too complex

8. How would you describe your preferred guitar aesthetic?

Bold and electric
Simple and elegant
Rugged and worn
Natural and wooden

9. Which of these album covers appeals to you the most?

Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
Continuum by John Mayer
Never Mind the Bollocks by Sex Pistols
Harvest by Neil Young

10. Which type of venue do you dream of performing in?

Rock festival with thousands of fans
Intimate lounge with a small crowd
Underground club with a rowdy audience
Outdoor folk festival with a relaxed atmosphere