Which BBC Sherlock Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Ever wondered if you'd be the great Sherlock Holmes, the loyal Dr. John Watson, or perhaps the cunning Moriarty? Dive into this quiz to find out which BBC Sherlock character matches your personality best. Discover your inner detective!

Ever wondered if you'd be the great Sherlock Holmes, the loyal Dr. John Watson, or perhaps the cunning Moriarty? Dive into this quiz to find out which BBC Sherlock character matches your personality best. Discover your inner detective!

1. How do you approach solving problems?

I manipulate the situation to find a solution that benefits me.
I analyze all available information and look for patterns and connections.
I consult with my peers to gather different perspectives.
I rely on my instincts and past experiences.

2. How do you handle stress?

I manipulate the sources of my stress to regain control.
I distract myself with work or intellectual challenges.
I talk to a close friend or family member about it.
I try to stay calm and handle it one step at a time.

3. Which moral code do you follow?

I make exceptions when necessary to achieve the greater good.
I follow a personal code of ethics.
I prioritize my own interests and goals.
I adhere strictly to the rules and laws.

4. How do you behave in social situations?

I am friendly, but prefer more intimate settings with people I know well.
I use social interactions to my advantage.
I engage openly and enjoy meeting new people.
I prefer to observe and analyze people from a distance.

5. What personal habits do you have?

I maintain a regular routine and stay organized.
I have habits that others might find endearing or quirky.
I am flexible and adjust my habits as needed.
I have unusual habits that keep my mind active.

6. How do you show your emotions?

I use my emotions strategically to influence others.
I rarely show my emotions and keep them to myself.
I show emotions only to those who are close to me.
I express my emotions openly and fully.

7. What motivates you?

The thrill of solving complex problems.
Protecting and supporting those I care about.
Personal power and control.
A strong sense of justice and morality.

8. How do you handle personal relationships?

I am nurturing and supportive towards my friends and family.
I deeply value my close relationships and am very loyal.
I find it hard to maintain relationships and often come off as distant.
I maintain relationships that are beneficial to me.

9. How do you react to failure?

I find ways to shift the blame or manipulate the outcome.
I analyze what went wrong and try to learn from it.
I feel disappointed but move on quickly.
I become more determined to succeed next time.

10. Which environment do you thrive in?

I do well in environments where I can help others.
I adapt to any environment as needed.
I thrive in bustling, chaotic environments.
I prefer structured and organized settings.

11. How do you handle authority and rules?

I encourage others to follow rules but can be flexible.
I respect authority and follow rules.
I challenge authority and often break rules.
I manipulate rules to my advantage.

12. How do you feel about taking risks?

I take calculated risks when necessary.
I exploit risks to gain an upper hand.
I enjoy taking risks to achieve my goals.
I prefer to avoid risks and play it safe.

13. How do you view manipulation?

I dislike manipulation and avoid it.
I manipulate only when absolutely necessary.
Manipulation is a valuable tool.
I prefer honest and direct interactions.