Which Age of Empires II Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/7/2024



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Are you a brilliant strategist like Genghis Khan, or a fearless warrior like Joan of Arc? Find out which legendary Age of Empires II character matches your gameplay style and historical preferences!

Are you a brilliant strategist like Genghis Khan, or a fearless warrior like Joan of Arc? Find out which legendary Age of Empires II character matches your gameplay style and historical preferences!

1. What is your preferred strategy in Age of Empires II?

Aggressive expansion and overwhelming force.
Strong defensive strategies and inspiring your allies.
Guerrilla tactics and using the terrain to your advantage.
Strategic use of mixed forces and resource management.

2. Which type of units do you prefer to use in battles?

Archers for long-range attacks and tactical flexibility.
Mixed units to adapt to different situations.
Infantry units for steady and resilient defense.
Cavalry units for powerful and fast assaults.

3. Which historical period or figure interests you the most?

The Hundred Years' War in France.
The conquests of Genghis Khan.
The Crusades and the defense of the Holy Land.
The rise of the Scottish against the English.

4. How do you usually manage resources in the game?

I focus on building a strong economy and balanced army.
I prioritize fortifications and defenses before anything else.
I invest heavily in technological advancements for long-term benefits.
I allocate resources rapidly to build a strong offensive force.

5. What is your approach to building your town?

Focused on versatility and adaptability for any situation.
Spacious and resource-oriented to support rapid growth.
Balanced with a mix of defensive structures and resource buildings.
Compact and heavily fortified to withstand attacks.

6. What's your favorite type of map to play on?

Coastal maps with opportunities for naval dominance.
Forested areas that provide cover for ambushes.
Open plains that allow for large-scale battles.
Mountainous terrains that offer natural defenses.

7. How do you usually deal with enemy attacks?

I launch a strong counter-attack to push them back.
I manage resources and prepare my forces for a decisive engagement.
I focus on defending my base and wearing down the enemy.
I use hit-and-run tactics to disrupt their plans.

8. What is your main goal when starting a campaign?

To conquer everything in my path as quickly as possible.
To build a prosperous and fortified civilization.
To become an unyielding and feared presence.
To successfully defend against any and all invaders.

9. When negotiating peace or surrendering enemies, how do you respond?

I use the opportunity to assert dominance and ensure submission.
I feign peace to buy time for strategic advantage.
I impose harsh terms to weaken my enemies for future conflicts.
I aim for a peaceful resolution that benefits all parties.

10. How do you handle your army composition?

I focus on building a strong defensive line.
I use elite and specialized units to create a powerful strike force.
I prefer a highly mobile force for quick strikes.
I build a balanced force with varied units.

11. What type of allies do you prefer to have?

Economic allies who can bolster my resources.
Strong military allies who can support me in battles.
Cunning allies who can offer strategic insights.
Loyal allies who can join forces for a common cause.

12. How do you prioritize technology advancements in the game?

I prioritize military technologies for a strong army.
I invest heavily in early technologies to gain an early advantage.
I balance my investments to stay competitive throughout.
I emphasize defensive technologies to protect my territory.

13. What's your preferred method of achieving victory?

Forming strategic alliances to control key resources.
Military conquest and eliminating all enemies.
Defending my territory and wearing down attackers.
Building a strong economy and outlasting opponents.

14. What motivates you the most when playing?

Forming and maintaining powerful alliances.
The desire to build an unassailable fortress.
Leading a strong and capable army to victory.
The thrill of conquest and expanding my territory.