Which Historical Pope Do You Align With?


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Created 7/2/2024



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Ever wondered which Pope from history matches your personality and values? Take this quiz to find out which pontiff you share the most in common with!

Ever wondered which Pope from history matches your personality and values? Take this quiz to find out which pontiff you share the most in common with!

1. Which of these best describes your childhood?

I was born into an immigrant family
I was forced to enroll in activities that I hated
I was athletic
My teachers complained that I was too energetic

2. Which of these jobs would you most enjoy?

An actor
A chemist
A college professor
A writer

3. Which of these causes would you be most likely to promote if you were Pope?

Seeming more relatable to the average person
Making the Church more accepting of LGBT people
Promoting democracy
Fighting the idea that morality and truth are subjective

4. What would you say is your biggest weakness?

I quit too easily
I'm okay with working with people who have done bad things
I often bow to pressure
I focus too much on the big picture

5. Which of these countries would you visit first?

The Dominican Republic

6. Which of these people would you most want to meet?

Angelina Jolie
Bob Dylan
George W. Bush
The average Joe

7. Which of these hobbies would you enjoy the most?

Playing/watching soccer
Playing an instrument

8. Which of these things motivates you the most?

The chance to do things differently
Finding new ways of communicating my thoughts
Helping others find spiritual growth

9. On average, how long do you hold a job for?

Not long, often less than six months
For maybe a few years
For as long as possible, meaning multiple decades if I can!
As long as it takes to make a substantial change

10. What kind of legacy would you like to leave?

A legacy of intellectual and theological contributions
A legacy of social and economic reforms
A legacy of interfaith dialogue and peace efforts
A legacy of strict adherence to traditional values