Which ARK: Survival Evolved Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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ARK Survival Character Quiz - by No Diddy

ARK Survival Character Quiz - by No Diddy

1. You are exploring a dense jungle and come across a hidden cache of resources. How do you proceed?

Take what you need quickly and leave the rest for later.
Analyze the cache for potential traps before taking anything.
Set up an ambush, anticipating others might follow.
Inform your tribe and work together to secure it.

2. A predator is hunting you through the forest. What is your strategy?

Lead it towards a larger predator to distract it.
Climb a tree and silently wait until it leaves.
Confront it head-on with your best weapon.
Set a trap using your environment and bait.

3. How do you decide where to build your base?

Set up in a secluded spot to avoid detection.
Choose a high vantage point for better defense.
Find a location with natural resources nearby.
Prioritize proximity to allies and trade routes.

4. You encounter a new tribe. How do you approach them?

Share knowledge and seek to establish an alliance.
Challenge their leader to assert dominance.
Offer a gift to show friendliness.
Observe them from a distance to understand their intentions.

5. What is your preferred method of taming a dinosaur?

Approach it slowly and build trust over time.
Go for a direct knockout with tranquilizers.
Work with your tribe to collectively tame it.
Use a strategic trap to ensure safety and efficiency.

6. A natural disaster strikes. What is your first reaction?

Use the chaos to gather scarce resources.
Evacuate your team to a predetermined safe zone.
Scout the area for potential threats or opportunities.
Protect your resources and stay in a safe shelter.

7. You need to cross a dangerous river. How do you do it?

Swim across swiftly and carefully.
Train a dinosaur to carry you across.
Build a temporary bridge using available materials.
Find a different, safer route around the river.

8. How do you handle conflicts with other players?

Negotiate and seek a peaceful resolution.
Avoid conflict by staying hidden and mobile.
Prepare for warfare and protect your territory.
Use diplomacy to form alliances against common threats.

9. You discover a new biome. What is your first course of action?

Collect samples for further study and experimentation.
Scout the area for potential dangers.
Establish a temporary camp to further explore.
Document the area's resources and wildlife.

10. What is your preferred way to gather resources?

Focus on gathering rare resources, regardless of risk.
Gather opportunistically, taking advantage of what's nearby.
Carefully plan and gather according to a list.
Work with a tribe to gather large quantities efficiently.

11. Your tribe needs to hunt a powerful dinosaur. What's your strategy?

Set elaborate traps and plan the attack in stages.
Employ guerrilla tactics, attacking in waves.
Focus on reconnaissance and gather intel before the hunt.
Use a frontal attack with strong coordination.

12. A tribe member is injured. How do you handle the situation?

Move them to a safe location before administering aid.
Use medical supplies to treat them quickly.
Prioritize securing the area first before aid.
Call for help from nearby allies.

13. Your base is under attack by another tribe. What's your response?

Escape with vital resources and regroup later.
Organize a defensive formation and repel the attack.
Negotiate a truce to stop the attack.
Set traps around your base to neutralize attackers.