Which Kingdom Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Have you ever wondered which character from the Kingdom manga best represents your personality? Take this quiz to find out whether you're more like the courageous Xin, the wise strategist Sei, or another iconic figure from the world of Kingdom!

Have you ever wondered which character from the Kingdom manga best represents your personality? Take this quiz to find out whether you're more like the courageous Xin, the wise strategist Sei, or another iconic figure from the world of Kingdom!

1. You are leading a battalion that is about to face a much larger enemy force. What is your approach?

Calmly assess the situation and devise a meticulous strategy to outmaneuver the enemy.
Rally your troops by emphasizing loyalty and the greater cause, maintaining their morale.
Lead a daring frontal charge to inspire your troops through sheer bravado.
Utilize the terrain to set up an ambush, maximizing the advantage of surprise.

2. A trusted advisor recommends retreating to avoid heavy casualties, but doing so could mean losing ground to the enemy. How do you respond?

Dismiss the advice and push forward, valuing victory over safety.
Look for a compromise, such as a tactical retreat with some forces staying to hold the line.
Consider the advisor's recommendation carefully and weigh the risks before deciding.
Withdraw to save your troops and regroup for a counter-offensive.

3. You discover a group of enemy scouts near your camp. What do you do?

Capture them to gather intelligence about the enemy's plans.
Organize a quick strike to eliminate them before they report back.
Send a message to your troops to be on high alert for potential enemy action.
Allow them to escape but plant false information to mislead their reports.

4. How do you motivate your soldiers before a critical battle?

Give a passionate speech about honor and glory.
Share a personal story or experience to humanize the situation.
Explain the tactical importance of the upcoming battle to ensure they understand the stakes.
Remind them of their loyalty to their comrades and the cause they are fighting for.

5. You have the chance to form an alliance with a former enemy. What is your course of action?

Reject the alliance and prepare for further conflict.
Discuss with your advisors and weigh all possible outcomes before making a decision.
Tentatively accept but remain cautious and prepared for possible betrayal.
Agree, if it increases the chances of achieving your ultimate goal.

6. During a siege, the enemy offers terms of surrender. What do you do?

Evaluate the terms carefully and consider the benefits of surrender.
Use the opportunity to gather more information about the enemy's weaknesses.
Propose a counteroffer that meets your strategic needs.
Reject the terms and prepare for an all-out assault.

7. You have limited resources and need to prioritize. What do you focus on?

Boosting morale and welfare of your troops to keep them fighting fit.
Investing in reconnaissance to gain more information about the enemy’s movements.
Enhancing offensive capabilities to strike decisively.
Reinforcing key defenses to ensure the safety of your base.

8. A close ally is captured by the enemy. How do you handle the situation?

Consider the ally's strategic importance before making a decision.
Negotiate with the enemy for their safe return.
Use the captured ally as bait to set a trap for the enemy.
Launch a rescue operation immediately, regardless of the risks.

9. An internal conflict arises within your ranks. How do you resolve it?

Show decisive leadership and lay down clear directives for resolving the dispute.
Identify the root causes of the conflict and address them systematically.
Address the conflict head-on and foster open communication.
Delegate the issue to a trusted advisor to handle.

10. You receive intelligence that could turn the tide of the war but at a great personal cost. What do you do?

Seek a way to mitigate the personal costs while still using the intelligence.
Discard the intelligence; the personal cost is too high.
Only use the intelligence if it is absolutely necessary.
Proceed with the plan, accepting the personal sacrifices.

11. How do you handle a betrayal within your ranks?

Punish the betrayer severely to set an example.
Arrange a trial to ensure a fair and transparent process.
Use the betrayal to your advantage by turning the betrayer into a double agent.
Seek to understand the reasons behind the betrayal before deciding on a course of action.

12. An enemy force is retreating. What is your next move?

Allow them to retreat and focus on consolidating your gains.
Pursue them relentlessly to ensure they do not regroup.
Set a trap to capture the retreating forces and gain more prisoners.
Send scouts to follow and gather intelligence on their movements.

13. Your impending victory could result in famine for the enemy's civilians. How do you respond?

Proceed with the plan; the enemy's well-being is not your concern.
Seek an alternative that minimizes civilian suffering while achieving your goals.
Negotiate with the enemy for their surrender in exchange for ensuring civilian safety.
Provide aid to the civilians even if it costs your resources.