Which Game of Thrones House Do You Belong To?


Created 7/26/2024



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Intrigued by the power struggles and complex characters of Game of Thrones? This quiz will determine which noble house you belong to, based on your unique traits and choices.

Intrigued by the power struggles and complex characters of Game of Thrones? This quiz will determine which noble house you belong to, based on your unique traits and choices.

1. Which value do you hold most dear?

Loyalty and honor
Cunning and strategy
Power and destiny
Strength and passion

2. How would you describe your leadership style?

Strategic and manipulative
Lead by example, earn the respect
Charismatic and intense
Bold and forceful

3. What is your favorite way to spend your free time?

Engaging in strategic games or politics
Sailing or adventuring
Hiking or exploring nature
Practicing combat skills or training

4. How do you react to conflict?

Strategize and adapt to the situation
Use cunning and manipulation
Seek diplomatic solutions
Confront it head-on with strength

5. What traits do you desire most in your allies?

Intelligence and cunning
Bravery and boldness
Resilience and determination
Loyalty and reliability

6. What is your attitude towards family and loyalty?

Family ties are secondary; my independence is key
Family comes first, always
Family is important, but so is power
Family is important, but duty and destiny guide me

7. Which landscape do you prefer?

Cold and rugged terrains
Oceans and coastal regions
Arid and warm climates
Fertile and lush landscapes

8. How do you view the concept of power?

Power is conveyed through strength and courage
Power is a game to be won, by any means necessary
Power is my destiny, fated by fire and blood
Power should be wielded responsibly and honorably

9. Which historical figure do you admire most?

Daenerys Targaryen for her ambition and vision
Tywin Lannister for his strategic brilliance
Robert Baratheon for his strength and passion
Eddard Stark for his honor and loyalty

10. Who is your favorite Game of Thrones character?

Jon Snow
Oberyn Martell
Tyrion Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen