How Well Do You Know Sloths?

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Created 6/20/2024



Q & A

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Think you know all about sloths? Put your knowledge to the test and see how many facts you can get right!

Think you know all about sloths? Put your knowledge to the test and see how many facts you can get right!

1. What unique role did the extinct giant ground sloths play in the ecosystem?

They were pollinators for a specific flower
They dispersed large seeds, such as avocado seeds
They controlled insect populations
They created waterways by their digging habits

2. How much stronger are sloths compared to humans?

Twice as strong
Equally strong
Three times stronger
Half as strong

3. What is the reason behind a sloth's slow metabolism?

High-quality diet
Need to conserve water
Low-quality diet of toxic leaves
Lack of physical exercise

4. How often do sloths generally relieve themselves?

Once every day
Once every month
Once every week
Once every two days

5. Why do sloths prefer to hang upside down?

Better digestion
Improved breathing
Increased energy
Better vision

6. What unique feature allows sloths to turn their heads 270 degrees?

Specialized shoulder joints
Extra vertebrae in their neck
Flexible spine
Long neck

7. What condition affects sloths' vision?

Color blindness

8. How long can sloths hold their breath underwater?

5 minutes
10 minutes
20 minutes
40 minutes

9. What is the primary reason sloths come down to the ground?

To find food
To drink water
To defecate
To bask in the sun

10. Which unique physical feature gives sloths a great range of head motion?

Extra vertebrae in their spine
Flexible shoulder joints
Specialized neck muscles
Long neck

11. What are the closest living relatives to sloths?

Monkeys and apes
Rodents and rabbits
Anteaters and armadillos
Bats and moles

12. Sloths have a long furry coat that houses various organisms. What benefits do they provide?

Increased insulation
Better camouflage
Additional diet and nutrient
Protection from predators

13. What strategy helps sloths evade predators?

Fast running
Loud vocalizations
Strong smell

14. What factor primarily determines a sloth's core temperature?

Internal metabolism
Environmental conditions
Heart rate
Amount of food consumed

15. How much of their body weight can sloths lose after defecating?


16. What do sloths rely on due to their bad eyesight?

Strong sense of smell
Acute hearing
Fast reflexes
Good taste

17. Which of the following is NOT true about sloth's fur?

It houses numerous organisms
It serves as an additional food source
It changes color seasonally
It helps with camouflage

18. What unique ability do sloths have when it comes to surviving falls?

They bounce back due to elastic skin
Their bones are very flexible
They can fall 100 feet without getting injured
They have wings to glide down

19. In captivity, what was the longest recorded lifespan of a sloth?

30 years
35 years
40 years
43 years

20. How do sloths manage to eat toxic leaves?

They neutralize the toxins with special saliva
They only eat the least toxic parts
They have a slow digestion process preventing toxicity
They remove toxins by chewing thoroughly