Which Real Housewife Should be Your BFF?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which Real Housewife would make the perfect BFF for you!

Find out which Real Housewife would make the perfect BFF for you!

1. What's your ideal weekend activity with your BFF?

Shopping and lunch at a chic café
A cozy movie night with wine
Trying out a new workout class together
Attending a star-studded event

2. How do you handle conflicts with your friends?

Directly address the issue and move on
Give each other space before reconciling
Vent to a mutual friend for advice
Ignore it and hope it resolves itself

3. Which quality is most important to you in a best friend?

Having a great sense of humor
Being supportive
Honesty, even when it hurts

4. How do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your BFF?

A lavish party with all your friends
A quiet dinner at a fancy restaurant
A weekend getaway
A fun night out at a club

5. Which vacation destination would you choose with your BFF?

A luxury beach resort
A cultural city tour
An adventurous hiking trip
A relaxing spa retreat

6. What’s your go-to way to cheer up your BFF?

Plan a fun outing together
Give them some space and a listening ear
Surprise them with their favorite things
Offer practical advice and help

7. In a group of friends, you are usually the one who:

Plans all the get-togethers
Mediates conflicts
Offers emotional support
Brings the fun and energy

8. How do you feel about sharing secrets with your BFF?

Only share the most important ones
Share everything without hesitation
Depends on the secret
Keep some things to yourself

9. What type of TV show do you and your BFF enjoy most?

Reality TV

10. Your BFF needs your help with a major life decision. You:

Help them weigh the pros and cons
Support whatever decision they make
Give them space to decide on their own
Offer your honest opinion, no sugarcoating