Find Your Perfect 40k Faction Match!

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Created 6/26/2024



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Take this quiz to discover which 40k faction you most align with and find out where you fit in the Warhammer 40,000 universe!

Take this quiz to discover which 40k faction you most align with and find out where you fit in the Warhammer 40,000 universe!

1. Which of these traits best describes you?

Durable and resilient
Tactical and adaptable
Stealthy and cunning
Fiery and passionate

2. How do you approach a challenge?

Through sheer endurance
With careful strategy
By striking from the shadows
With overwhelming force

3. What type of environment do you thrive in?

A high-tech, mechanical setting
A disciplined and orderly society
A wild and chaotic battlefield
A mystical and arcane presence

4. Which adjective resonates most with your personality?


5. When faced with an enemy, how do you prefer to fight?

Close combat with brutal efficiency
Using ranged and tactical maneuvers
Employing sorcery and psychic powers
Engineering and technological supremacy

6. What motivates you the most?

The pursuit of knowledge and power
Honor and duty
Revenge and vengeance
Faith and devotion

7. Which of these weapon types appeals to you?

Biological and toxic weapons
Heavy artillery and tank support
Assassination and precision strikes
Eldritch and psychic weaponry

8. How do you handle adversity?

By adapting and overcoming
Through unwavering resilience
With cunning and subterfuge
By unleashing unrelenting fury

9. What is your perspective on allies?

A necessary convenience
Valuable assets
Expendable pawns
Trusted comrades

10. Which of these settings excites you the most?

A fortress world under siege
An ancient technological tomb
A battlefield overrun with chaos
A hidden outpost deep in enemy territory

11. How do you view power?

As a tool to dominate
Something to be earned through honor
A necessity for survival
A gift from higher entities

12. Which phrase best describes your ideal leader?

A sorcerer with unmatched psychic abilities
A tactician who leads by example
A warrior who thrives in melee combat
An engineer or scientist with advanced knowledge