Which TWICE Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Are you in the mood for something upbeat or maybe something more mellow? Let us help you find the perfect TWICE song to match your current vibe.

Are you in the mood for something upbeat or maybe something more mellow? Let us help you find the perfect TWICE song to match your current vibe.

1. How are you feeling today?

Happy and excited
Curious and nostalgic
A bit down and in need of comfort

2. How high is your energy level right now?

I’m feeling relaxed or tired.
I am full of energy!
Somewhere in between.
It depends on the song!

3. What kind of music do you normally enjoy?

Electro-pop or dance
A mix of genres

4. What's your favorite TWICE song (if any)?

What is Love?
Feel Special
Cheer Up
The Feels

5. Do you prefer a song with a fast tempo or a slow tempo?

Moderate tempo
I like all tempos
Slow tempo
Fast tempo

6. Which of these lyrics would resonate with you the most?

"I got the feels for you."
"You make me feel special."
"What is love?"
"Shout louder, cheer louder!"

7. Do you prefer solo or group performances?

I don't mind, as long as I vibe with the song.
Both are great!
Group performances
Solo performances

8. How do you want TWICE's music to make you feel?

Romantic and fun
Comforted and understood
Happy and energetic
Thoughtful and introspective

9. Would you like to dance to this song?

Maybe a little.
No, just want to listen.
Depends on the song's beat.
Yes, I love dancing!

10. What kind of music do you often listen to when you need cheering up?

Upbeat and lively
Comforting and slow
Empowering and motivational
Fun and silly

11. When would you likely listen to this song?

On a road trip or commute
During a workout or while dancing
At a party or gathering
Relaxing at home

12. What's your favorite vibe?

Romantic and sweet
Chill and relaxed
Upbeat and fun
Bright and bubbly

13. Do you prefer listening to songs alone or with others?

With friends or family
Either works for me
Both, depends on the moment