Which Disc Golf Player Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Curious to find out which pro disc golfer you resemble the most? Answer questions about your playing style, favorite techniques, and personality traits to discover your disc golf alter ego!

Curious to find out which pro disc golfer you resemble the most? Answer questions about your playing style, favorite techniques, and personality traits to discover your disc golf alter ego!

1. What is your preferred throwing style?

Mixed (Backhand/Forehand)
Overhand (Thumber/Tomahawk)

2. How do you handle windy conditions during a game?

Adjust my release angle and use more overstable discs
Avoid risky shots and play safe
Change disc type and modify my throw accordingly
Stick to my usual style but throw with more power

3. What is your favorite type of disc?

Utility Disc (Thumber/Overhand Disc)

4. How often do you train for disc golf?

Several times a week but with balanced rest
Daily, with intense practice sessions
Only before tournaments to maintain form
Occasionally, focusing more on mental breaks

5. How do you approach pressure situations in tournaments?

Rely on instinct and go with the flow
Thrive under pressure and take aggressive shots
Maintain a calm and strategic mindset
Focus on consistency and minimize risks

6. What type of course do you prefer to play on?

Open courses that allow for long drives
Mixed courses with varied challenges
Courses with strategic water hazards
Wooded courses with technical shots

7. How do you feel about taking breaks from playing?

I rarely take breaks, practice is key
Breaks are more spontaneous, based on feeling
Only take short breaks to avoid burnout
Essential for maintaining peak performance

8. What is your approach to course management?

Plan each shot carefully and stick to the plan
Focus on avoiding hard shots and play safe
Balance between strategic planning and spontaneity
Go with the instinct and adapt as I go

9. How do you select discs for your bag?

Choose discs with similar flight patterns at different distances
Change discs frequently to find the best fit
Use a few favorite discs for most shots
Select a variety of discs for different shot types

10. What is your approach to improving your game?

Focusing mainly on mental preparation and strategy
Experimenting with different throws and styles
Learning from every game and making gradual improvements
Consistent practice and refining techniques

11. What personality trait best describes you on the course?

Adaptable and intuitive
Patient and consistent
Calm and strategic
Aggressive and competitive

12. When facing a difficult shot, what do you typically do?

Try a creative or unconventional shot
Evaluate risks and choose accordingly
Go for the safe play
Take an aggressive line to try and score