Which Attack on Titan Character Are You?


Created 7/2/2024



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Ever wondered which member of the Scout Regiment you most resemble? Dive into our fun personality quiz and find out whether you're a brave Eren, a strategic Armin, or perhaps a fierce Mikasa! Take the quiz now to uncover which Attack on Titan character truly mirrors your spirit!

Ever wondered which member of the Scout Regiment you most resemble? Dive into our fun personality quiz and find out whether you're a brave Eren, a strategic Armin, or perhaps a fierce Mikasa! Take the quiz now to uncover which Attack on Titan character truly mirrors your spirit!

1. What's the best way to learn about the Titans?

Battle and face-to-face contact
Logic and following the string as it 'unravels'
I just want them dead

2. Your friend just told you they're a Titan! Do you help them?

Of course, It's not their fault
What?! I need to consult with everyone else first
Nope, they aren't more important than war
Only if it is practical

3. Where would you be most helpful in the war against the Titans?

In an intelligence room, making plans
Away from the action, gathering information
On the front lines
Leading the assault

4. Those around you are questioning your decisions... what do you do?

Keep going. I know what I'm doing.
Doubt myself, and let the others have a say.
Wait till they're gone, and then follow through with my plan.
Hear them out.

5. What's your approach to problem-solving?

Dive right in and figure it out as I go
Analyze every detail meticulously
Think it through logically and methodically
Rely on my instincts and experience

6. How do you handle failure?

Laugh it off and try again
Analyze what went wrong and avoid it next time
Ignore it and move forward
Use it to fuel my determination

7. What's your leadership style?

Leading by example
Collaborative and inclusive
Authoritative and direct
Hands-off, allowing freedom

8. How do you relax after a tough day?

Chatting with friends
Diving into a good book or research
Training even more
Reflecting on the day alone

9. You're suddenly in charge of your entire troop. What's the objective?

Visit my hometown! I mean, patrol this certain area for Titans...
Everyone can assist me in my personal Titan project. It'll be fun!
Take some time to come up with the next big step.
We're going head first into Titan territory.

10. Titan incoming! Your gut reaction?

Check my position and that of my friends
Assume formation
Look at the big picture... what's the end game?
Prepare and wait for orders