Which Lost Ark Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/21/2024



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Curious to find out which Lost Ark hero you resonate with? This quiz dives into your gameplay style, in-game decisions, and personality traits to match you with a character from the expansive world of Lost Ark.

Curious to find out which Lost Ark hero you resonate with? This quiz dives into your gameplay style, in-game decisions, and personality traits to match you with a character from the expansive world of Lost Ark.

1. How do you prefer to approach combat in games?

Utilizing stealth and surprise attacks.
Staying in the backline, providing support and healing.
Using speed and agility to outmaneuver opponents.
Charging headfirst into battle, dealing heavy damage.

2. Which role do you prefer during group play?

Dealing massive damage to enemies.
Adapting to whatever the team needs at the moment.
Enhancing my team's abilities and healing them.
Leading the charge and protecting my team.

3. How do you handle tough in-game decisions?

I quickly decide based on my instincts.
I think through the consequences thoroughly.
I assess which option benefits me the most.
I consult with my team before making a decision.

4. What type of environment do you thrive in during gameplay?

Manipulating magic to control the battlefield.
Chaotic large-scale battles.
Sneaking and striking from the shadows.
Defending strategic points and protecting allies.

5. Which gameplay style do you prefer?

Close-quarters melee combat.
Using magic and spells.
Engaging enemies from a distance.
A mix of melee and ranged combat.

6. What describes your combat strategy?

Overwhelming opponents with brute force.
Using precise, calculated strikes.
Supporting and protecting my team.
Strategically manipulating the battlefield.

7. What character trait do you value the most?

Intelligence and strategy.
Cunning and agility.
Bravery and strength.
Empathy and support.

8. Which type of special ability do you find most appealing?

Massive area-of-effect attacks.
Summoning creatures to fight for me.
Deceptive and stealthy maneuvers.
Healing and buffing allies.

9. In which situation do you feel most empowered?

When I'm at the center of the action.
When I'm executing tactical, precise strikes.
When I'm supporting and healing my team.
When I'm manipulating the environment with magic.

10. What kind of challenge excites you the most?

Stealth missions and high-risk maneuvers.
Strategic battles requiring planning and foresight.
Supporting and keeping my team alive through the worst.
Handling overwhelming odds with sheer power.

11. Where do you see yourself in a fantasy world?

The protector and healer of my community.
The rogue navigating through shadows.
Champion in the frontlines.
The strategist and mage behind the scenes.

12. How do you handle resource management in-game?

I focus on accumulating and using resources for massive attacks.
I carefully plan and ration resources for strategic advantage.
I utilize resources for quick, stealthy operations.
I use resources to keep my team strong and healed.

13. What kind of ending do you prefer in a game?

A harmonious conclusion where everyone is saved.
An intelligent, well-planned resolution.
A swift, decisive victory from the shadows.
A heroic victory brought by sheer power and bravery.