Which Dragon Quest Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/8/2024



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Are you a brave hero like Erdrick or a mischievous rogue like Yangus? Take this quiz to find out which character from the beloved Dragon Quest series best matches your adventure style, combat tactics, and personality traits!

Are you a brave hero like Erdrick or a mischievous rogue like Yangus? Take this quiz to find out which character from the beloved Dragon Quest series best matches your adventure style, combat tactics, and personality traits!

1. How do you approach a new adventure?

Jump in headfirst and figure things out as you go.
Seek advice from trusted friends and allies.
Rely on your intuition and adjust as needed.
Plan meticulously before taking the first step.

2. In combat, what is your primary focus?

Defending and protecting the team.
Using magic to control the battlefield.
Supporting your allies with healing and buffs.
Leading the charge with powerful attacks.

3. How do you handle conflict within your party?

Take charge and make a decisive call.
Mediate and find a middle ground.
Offer emotional support and encouragement.
Analyze the situation and offer logical solutions.

4. What role do you prefer when interacting with NPCs?

Investigate and gather valuable information.
Take the lead and guide the conversation.
Support and aid NPCs in their tasks.
Charm and negotiate for the best outcome.

5. In a crisis, how do you make decisions?

Rely on careful planning and strategy.
Use charisma and influence to guide the group.
Make quick and bold decisions.
Consider the well-being of everyone involved.

6. What drives you to continue on your journey?

A sense of destiny and duty.
The desire to protect loved ones.
An unquenchable curiosity.
The thrill of adventure and discovery.

7. How do you approach intricate puzzles and challenges?

Use creative and out-of-the-box thinking.
Tackle them head-on with perseverance.
Collaborate and seek advice when needed.
Analyze every detail methodically.

8. How do you react to betrayal?

Reflect on the situation and learn from it.
Forgive but remain cautious in the future.
Seek justice and confront the betrayer.
Cut ties and move forward.

9. Which best describes your personality?

Wise and thoughtful.
Kind-hearted and loyal.
Fierce and determined.
Confident and charismatic.

10. How do you handle success?

Use it as motivation to achieve even more.
Celebrate with friends and allies.
Stay humble and continue working hard.
Reflect on the journey and its significance.

11. What type of leader are you?

Authoritative and commanding.
Empathetic and supportive.
Strategic and tactical.
Democratic and inclusive.

12. In what environment do you feel most at ease?

In areas with historical importance.
In bustling cities.
In quiet and secluded places.
In the midst of nature.

13. How do you approach learning new skills or abilities?

Structured learning and practice.
Learning through hands-on experience.
Learning from mentors and experts.
Experimenting and trying new things.