How Well Do You Know The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?

Quizzee Rascal
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Quizzee Rascal

Created 6/21/2024



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Test your knowledge of the classic novel 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' with this quiz and see how many correct answers you can get!

Test your knowledge of the classic novel 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' with this quiz and see how many correct answers you can get!

1. Who told Edmund about the White Witch being dangerous?

Mr Tumnus, the Faun
The Professor

2. What kind of sweets made Edmund feel uncomfortable?

Candy canes
Turkish Delight

3. What was Edmund's reaction when Lucy asked who informed him about the White Witch?

He confessed
He tried to belittle fauns
He agreed with Lucy
He ignored the question

4. How did Edmund describe Lucy's story in front of Susan and Peter?

He supported it
He remained silent
He called it a pretend game
He mocked it directly

5. What did the Professor suggest to consider while judging Lucy's story?

Only believe adults
Check logic
Ignore it
Consider her a liar

6. What enchantment did the White Witch put on the land?

Made it always night
Always winter and never Christmas
Forever summer
Non-stop rain

7. What was Lucy's main reason for wanting to stay in Narnia?

To find treasure
To play in the snow
To rescue Mr. Tumnus
To defeat the Witch

8. Who suggested asking Aslan for help in rescuing Edmund?

The Professor
Mr Beaver
Mrs Beaver

9. What was Peter's initial worry about the Witch's house?

It would be empty
They would be turned into statues
They would get lost
It would be cold

10. Who arrived on a sledge with reindeer, different from the Witch's?

The Professor
A Centaur
Father Christmas
Mr. Tumnus

11. What did Mr. Beaver reveal about the Witch's lineage?

She's a mere human
She is half-human, half-beast
She is part Jinn and giant
She is a forgotten deity

12. What did Aslan do with the statues in the Witch's courtyard?

Turned them back to normal
Ignored them
Destroyed them
Moved them

13. What happened to the children when Mrs. Macready was giving a tour?

They hid in a cupboard
They went to Narnia
They hid in the library
They followed the tour

14. What was Lucy's reaction to the wardrobe when everyone else doubted her?

She cried
She pretended
She insisted
She got angry

15. What was the Professor's advice regarding another visit to Narnia?

Use the wardrobe often
Find a new route
Forget about Narnia
Ask him for details