Which Pantera Song Matches Your Mood?

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Created 7/1/2024



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Feeling pumped or maybe a bit down? Take this quiz to discover the perfect Pantera song that aligns with your current mood!

Feeling pumped or maybe a bit down? Take this quiz to discover the perfect Pantera song that aligns with your current mood!

1. If you weren't slinging sludgy tunes like a boss, you might spend your days...

Wranglin' cattle
Serving in the military

2. You are stranded on an island, and can only bring one Pantera album. Which do you choose?

Vulgar Display of Power
Cowboys From Hell
Far Beyond Driven
The Great Southern Trendkill

3. What's your go-to drink while listening to some heavy tunes?

Energy Drink

4. Do you prefer Anselmo's melodic wail, or his deep growl?

Gimme that wail!
I like it deep

5. When getting pumped for a workout, which scene would you visualize?

A massive mosh pit
A gritty boxing match
Revving a monster truck engine
A chaotic street fight

6. What is your favorite way to detox after a wild night?

Sweat it out at the gym
A hearty breakfast
Sleeping it off
I don't drink

7. Do you lock the door to your home when you're alone inside?

My front door is always locked
I only lock the door when I leave
I never lock doors. Period.

8. Dude! Your tour bus just got stolen. How are you getting to your next gig?

A tank
A hearse
A horse
I'll just hotwire a truck

9. To get that heavy sound, you have to drop your tuning down. How low can you go?

1/2 step
Drop D, baby!
Let's take it all the way down to G

10. We know you play it hard and heavy, but do you ever mix it up with something soft?

I like it heavy, but a little groovy too
I like it insanely heavy
I can dig the occasional peace and quiet