What's Your D&D Alignment? Take This Personality Test to Discover Your True Character



Created 6/20/2024



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Are you lawful or chaotic, good or evil? Take this D&D alignment personality test to gain insight into your character and how you interact with the world around you!

Are you lawful or chaotic, good or evil? Take this D&D alignment personality test to gain insight into your character and how you interact with the world around you!

1. You find a wallet on the ground with $100 in it. What do you do?

Take it to the police station as lost property.
Try to find the owner yourself using any identification inside.
Keep the money and discard the wallet.
Leave it where it is, assuming the owner may come back for it.

2. Your friend wants to copy your homework because they forgot to do it. What is your response?

Refuse and encourage them to do their own work.
Agree, but only if they promise to do their next assignment themselves.
Let them copy, hoping they'll help you in the future.
Ignore their request and pretend you didn't hear them.

3. At work, you discover that a colleague has been embezzling funds. What do you do?

Report it to your supervisor immediately.
Confront the colleague and give them a chance to confess.
Use the information as leverage for a favor.
Stay out of it and pretend you didn’t notice.

4. A loved one needs an expensive medical treatment you cannot afford. What do you do?

Start a fundraising campaign to cover the costs.
Sell some of your possessions to gather money.
Consider stealing to afford the treatment.
Hope that they get better on their own without the treatment.

5. You witness a crime in progress. What action do you take?

Call the police immediately.
Try to intervene and stop the crime yourself.
Record the incident and share it online.
Walk away quickly to avoid getting involved.

6. Your boss takes credit for your work. What is your reaction?

Calmly discuss the issue with your boss.
Complain to higher management or HR.
Let it slide and hope it doesn’t happen again.
Seek ways to embarrass your boss subtly in return.

7. A charity you don’t personally believe in asks for a donation. What do you do?

Politely decline and explain your reasons.
Donate a small amount to avoid conflict.
Refuse and criticize the charity.
Pretend you don’t have any money to spare right now.

8. You overhear a co-worker spreading harmful gossip about another co-worker. How do you handle it?

Confront the gossiper and defend the co-worker.
Inform the co-worker who is the target of the gossip.
Use the gossip to your advantage to gain favor with the gossiper.
Ignore it and avoid getting involved in office drama.

9. A new law is passed that you fundamentally disagree with. What do you do?

Join a peaceful protest to show your disagreement.
Write a letter to your local representative expressing your views.
Find ways to bypass or ignore the law.
Accept it and try to live your life as best as possible within the new constraints.

10. You find out your friend is cheating on their partner. What do you do?

Confront your friend about their behavior.
Tell their partner the truth.
Advise your friend to come clean to their partner.
Stay out of it entirely.