What Anime Villain Are You?



Created 6/26/2024



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Discover which iconic anime villain you relate to the most with this exciting quiz! Unleash your inner darkness and find out which anime villain aligns with your personality.

Discover which iconic anime villain you relate to the most with this exciting quiz! Unleash your inner darkness and find out which anime villain aligns with your personality.

1. What drives you to do evil deeds?

Power and control
Revenge and hatred
Purely for amusement
To achieve my personal goals

2. How do you view humanity?

They are pests to be exterminated
They are pawns in my game
They are weak and need guidance
They can be manipulated and used

3. Choose your preferred weapon or power

Mind control
A powerful mecha or robot
Dark magic
Super strength and agility

4. How do you disguise yourself?

A business suit
A tattered cloak
Traditional warrior armor
Casual street clothes

5. What is your ultimate goal?

World domination
Destroying my enemies
Creating a perfect world in my image
Achieving immortality

6. How do you react when your plans are foiled?

Retreat to plan again
Turn my anger towards the nearest target
Laugh it off and improvise
Stay calm and manipulate the situation

7. What motivates you every day?

Ambition and desire for control
A dark past and need for revenge
Sheer curiosity and thrill
Unwavering belief in my cause

8. Who is your ideal minion?

Highly skilled but obedient warriors
Loyal but ruthless henchmen
Creatures of pure darkness
Mindless drones

9. What is your view on loyalty?

A tool to be used and discarded
Demanded through fear
Gained through charisma
Irrelevant, I trust no one

10. How do you dress to express your villainous persona?

Elegant and ornate outfits
Masks and hoods to obscure identity
Flashy and intimidating costumes
Practical and battle-ready attire