Discover Your Fashion-"Core" Personality

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/25/2024



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Ever wondered which fashion aesthetic truly aligns with who you are at your core? Find out if you're more cottagecore, dark academia, or something entirely different through this fun and insightful quiz!

Ever wondered which fashion aesthetic truly aligns with who you are at your core? Find out if you're more cottagecore, dark academia, or something entirely different through this fun and insightful quiz!

1. What type of environment do you feel most at peace in?

An old library with wood paneling, dusty books, and antique furniture.
A bustling city with a mix of modern and historical architecture.
A cozy countryside with lots of greenery and natural beauty.
A vintage cafe with retro decor and a nostalgic feel.

2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Reading books, writing, or visiting museums.
Exploring nature, gardening, or painting outdoors.
Shopping, attending social events, or keeping up with the latest trends.
Playing sports, working out, or enjoying active hobbies.

3. Which color palette do you gravitate towards?

Dark and rich colors with lots of blacks and browns.
Bright, bold, and vibrant colors.
Soft pastels and light, airy shades.
Earthy and neutral tones.

4. What’s your ideal vacation spot?

A serene countryside with opportunities to hike and enjoy nature.
Historic cities with museums, libraries, and old architecture.
A bustling metropolis full of shopping, nightlife, and modern attractions.
A sporty retreat with lots of opportunities for physical activities.

5. What types of books or movies do you enjoy?

Classic literature and historical dramas.
Fantasy novels and fairy tales.
Documentaries and non-fiction.
Sci-fi and action films.

6. Describe your dream home.

An upscale, modern apartment in the heart of the city.
A historic home filled with period details and antique furniture.
A minimalist, open-plan home with lots of natural light.
A quaint cottage with a beautiful garden in the countryside.

7. How do you prefer to socialize?

Small get-togethers with close friends in a cozy setting.
Intellectual discussions or book clubs.
Going to trendy bars, clubs, or social events.
Engaging in sports or group activities.

8. What do you value the most in your personal life?

Creativity and self-expression.
Authenticity and comfort.
Rebellion and making a bold statement.
Intellectual growth and learning.

9. Which of these music styles do you prefer?

Rock or punk.
Indie or folk music.
Classical or jazz.
Top 40 pop or EDM.

10. Pick a statement piece to complete your outfit.

A bold statement ring or chunky necklace.
A sleek watch or a minimalist leather bag.
A vintage brooch or a pearl necklace.
A floral headband or delicate jewelry.