Which 'Criminal Minds' Character Are You?


Created 7/9/2024



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Dive into the thrilling world of the BAU to discover which 'Criminal Minds' character you resemble the most! Are you the analytical Spencer Reid or the fearless Aaron Hotchner? Answer these questions to find out!

Dive into the thrilling world of the BAU to discover which 'Criminal Minds' character you resemble the most! Are you the analytical Spencer Reid or the fearless Aaron Hotchner? Answer these questions to find out!

1. How do you typically approach problem-solving?

I collaborate with others to consider multiple perspectives
I prefer to take immediate action and adjust as needed
I rely on statistics and data to form logical conclusions
I trust my gut instincts and experience

2. In a high-pressure situation, how do you tend to react?

Channel the pressure into determination to solve the case
Become anxious but use it to fuel rapid analysis
Remain calm and focused on the objective
Prioritize the emotional well-being of those involved

3. What role do you naturally take on in a team?

The specialist with unique skills or knowledge
The supportive team member who keeps everyone connected
The leader who makes tough decisions
The experienced mentor who guides others

4. How do you prefer to gather information?

By interviewing people and observing behavior
Using cutting-edge technology and databases
Through extensive research and data analysis
Relying on years of experience and instinct

5. What motivates you most in your work?

A strong sense of duty and responsibility
The intellectual challenge of solving complex puzzles
Bringing justice to victims and their families
The opportunity to help and protect others

6. How do you handle personal struggles while on the job?

Use work as a distraction from personal issues
Compartmentalize and focus entirely on the task at hand
Seek support from colleagues and talk it through
Take time off to address personal matters when needed

7. What's your approach to building relationships with colleagues?

Foster close, family-like bonds with the team
Prefer to work independently most of the time
Balance professionalism with personal friendships
Maintain strict professionalism at all times

8. How do you cope with the dark nature of the job?

Compartmentalize and maintain emotional distance
Struggle with the emotional toll but push through
Use humor and positivity to balance out the darkness
Focus on the victims and the importance of the work

9. What's your preferred method of interrogation?

Analyze behavior and use psychological techniques
Use authority and intimidation tactics
Present facts and evidence to encourage confession
Build rapport and empathize with the subject

10. How do you view rules and protocol?

View rules as guidelines that can be flexibly interpreted
Always follow rules and protocol to the letter
Prioritize results over strict adherence to protocol
Generally follow rules but bend them when necessary