Could You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

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Created 6/21/2024



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Find out if you have what it takes to survive the undead.

Find out if you have what it takes to survive the undead.

1. What is the first thing you should do when you hear about a zombie outbreak?

Gather essential supplies
Find a secure location
Contact family and friends
Monitor news sources for updates

2. Which location is the safest to consider as a hideout from zombies?

Remote cabin in the woods
Underground bunker
Top floor of a high-rise
An island

3. What type of weapon would you prefer for zombie defense?

Axe or machete
Firearm with ample ammunition
Baseball bat with nails
Bow and arrow

4. Your vehicle of choice to escape a city overrun by zombies would be:

All-terrain SUV
Electric car

5. What's the most critical item to include in your emergency kit?

First aid supplies
Non-perishable food
Portable water filter
Fire starter kit

6. How would you handle encountering another group of survivors?

Join forces and share resources
Avoid them and stay hidden
Assess their intentions before deciding
Trade supplies with them from a distance

7. In terms of clothing, what is most essential for a zombie apocalypse?

Hardwearing workwear
Camouflage attire
Comfortable athletic gear
Heavy-duty boots and gloves

8. How would you obtain clean drinking water if your initial supply runs out?

Collect rainwater using tarpaulins
Boil water from rivers or lakes
Use a portable water filter
Treat water with household bleach

9. What’s your strategy for long-term survival in a zombie apocalypse?

Establish a self-sufficient settlement
Keep moving and stay on the move
Rely on raiding and scavenging
Trust in government/military interventions

10. What's the best way to keep morale high among your group?

Organize group activities or games
Maintain a sense of normalcy with routines
Share inspiring stories or books
Encourage open communication and support

11. Which professional's skills would be most valuable in your survival group?

Medic or doctor
Engineer or handyman
Hunter or forager
Chef or cook

12. How would you secure your base from zombie attacks?

Use barricades and fortifications
Set up traps around the perimeter
Regularly patrol the area
Post lookout shifts

13. How important is it to stay informed during a zombie apocalypse?

Very important; prioritize finding information
Moderately important; focus on survival basics
Slightly important; occasionally check for updates
Not important; focus solely on immediate safety

14. What role does having a communication plan play in survival?

Crucial for coordinating with your group
Useful for contacting other survivors
Limited use if public communication systems are down
Not needed, better to remain silent

15. What is your long-term plan for food sources when supplies dwindle?

Starting a sustainable garden
Hunting and fishing
Continuing to scavenge from abandoned locations
Bartering with other survivor groups