What RPG Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Ever wondered which RPG character best matches your gaming style and personality? Answer these 12 questions to find out if you're a fearless warrior, a cunning thief, a wise mage, or another iconic role-playing archetype!

Ever wondered which RPG character best matches your gaming style and personality? Answer these 12 questions to find out if you're a fearless warrior, a cunning thief, a wise mage, or another iconic role-playing archetype!

1. Which type of game environment do you enjoy the most?

A magical fantasy world full of mythical creatures and adventures.
A high-tech, futuristic city with advanced technology and space travel.
A historical setting, rich with lore and epic battles.
A contemporary, everyday setting but with a twist of the extraordinary.

2. How do you prefer to approach combat scenarios in games?

Supporting and healing allies while protecting them.
Casting powerful spells from a distance.
Charging head-on into battle with brute strength.
Using stealth and cunning to outmaneuver enemies.

3. What role do you usually take in your adventuring party?

I focus on dealing maximum damage to enemies.
I am the leader, guiding and making decisions for the team.
I provide crucial support and aid, enhancing the team's capabilities.
I prefer a balanced role, adapting as necessary.

4. Which moral alignment resonates most with your in-game decisions?

Neutral: Balance and impartiality, steering clear of extremes.
Chaotic Good: Freedom and doing what I feel is right, even if unconventional.
Chaotic Neutral: Following my own path without much regard for rules or order.
Lawful Good: Upholding justice, honor, and the greater good.

5. Which character traits do you value most in your avatar?

Bravery and strength.
Agility and stealth.
Compassion and empathy.
Intelligence and wit.

6. Do you prefer strategy or improvisation during gameplay?

I don't enjoy combat; I avoid it whenever possible.
I prefer to adapt and improvise as the situation changes.
A combination of both strategy and improvisation.
I prefer to strategically plan out every move.

7. What kind of equipment do you usually favor in a game?

Versatile gear that adapts to multiple situations.
Light armor and stealthy tools.
Magic items and spellbooks.
Heavy armor and powerful weapons.

8. Do you prefer dealing with magical or non-magical challenges?

Magical challenges that test my understanding of arcane forces.
I enjoy bypassing challenges altogether through diplomacy or creativity.
Non-magical challenges that depend on physical skills and strategy.
A mix of both, testing my versatility.

9. Which method do you prefer for advancing the storyline?

Defeating enemies and overcoming obstacles.
Building relationships and alliances.
A mix of combat and character interaction.
Unraveling mysteries and solving puzzles.

10. How important are character traits and personality in your gameplay?

I only care about the immediate fun and challenges.
Extremely important – I love deep character roleplay.
Not really important – I focus more on strategic gameplay.
Somewhat important – I enjoy a good mix of roleplay and mechanics.

11. How do you feel about moral choices influencing your gameplay?

I appreciate when moral choices significantly impact the story and character development.
Moral choices don’t affect my gameplay preference.
I like some moral implications but prefer tactical decision-making.
I prefer a pragmatic approach where choices are made for the best outcome.

12. What kind of backstory do you prefer for your character?

A mysterious character with a lot of undisclosed history.
A hero with a rich, detailed past shaping their journey.
A character whose backstory evolves through gameplay.
A new character just starting on their epic journey.