Ultimate LEGO Star Wars Trivia Quiz

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/17/2024



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Test your knowledge on the epic LEGO Star Wars games and shows! Can you recall the iconic moments, characters, and plot points? Find out how much you really know and learn some cool facts along the way!

Test your knowledge on the epic LEGO Star Wars games and shows! Can you recall the iconic moments, characters, and plot points? Find out how much you really know and learn some cool facts along the way!

1. In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which planet's house includes an iconic droid maintenance room?


2. Which character is often associated with comedic scenes involving Emperor Palpatine in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special?

Kylo Ren
Director Krennic
General Hux
Darth Vader

3. What does Rey seek to understand by traveling through different time periods in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special?

Where Palpatine's power comes from
How to defeat Kylo Ren
How to be a better teacher
Where Luke is hiding

4. In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, what activity can players do outside Luke’s house on Tatooine for bonus points?

Build ships
Chase Womp Rats
Rescue droids
Fight stormtroopers

5. Which game feature in LEGO Star Wars: Castaways allows customization?

Weapon crafting
Planet design
Spaceship design
Minifigure creation

6. In Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, from which movie is much of the dialogue taken verbatim?

The Last Jedi
The Phantom Menace
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back

7. What major event from 'Return of the Jedi' is included in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special?

Luke fights Vader
Vader throws Palpatine
Leia rescues Han
Ewoks celebrate

8. What unique gathering occurs aboard the Millennium Falcon in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special?

Podracing event
Secret Meeting
Life Day party
Droid Convention

9. In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which iconic scene involves Luke and Ahch-To?

Training with Rey
Following Luke around
Raiding a village
Fighting Snoke

10. What is the initial cause for Rey’s time travel in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special?

Searching for Finn
Finding a lost artifact
Escaping Kylo Ren
Doubt in her teaching

11. What element often breaks the tension among young viewers watching 'The Phantom Menace'?

R2-D2 pranks
Anakin's podracing
Battle Droid antics
Jar Jar Binks

12. In LEGO Star Wars: Castaways, where can players interact and communicate with friends?

Jedi Temple
Remote Outpost
Imperial Base
Social Hub