Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Discover which iconic character from Fullmetal Alchemist you align with based on your personality, values, and decision-making style. Step into the world of alchemy and see if you're more like Edward, Alphonse, Winry, or another beloved character.

Discover which iconic character from Fullmetal Alchemist you align with based on your personality, values, and decision-making style. Step into the world of alchemy and see if you're more like Edward, Alphonse, Winry, or another beloved character.

1. How do you handle facing a difficult moral dilemma?

I prioritize the needs of others, even if it means sacrificing my own desires.
I act based on personal revenge or justice, regardless of the cost.
I analyze the situation logically and choose the most beneficial outcome.
I focus on achieving my goals, but try to minimize harm to others.

2. How do you respond to unexpected conflicts?

I confront the issue head-on and take charge.
I strategize and find the most tactical solution.
I feel a strong need to protect those around me.
I remain calm and try to find a peaceful resolution.

3. What drives you to achieve your goals?

My ambition for power and control.
My desire to correct past mistakes.
My personal principles and sense of justice.
My wish to help and protect others.

4. When solving a problem, what approach do you typically take?

I rely on my instinct and adaptability.
I seek help and collaborate with others.
I draw on my past experiences and skills.
I use logical analysis and meticulous planning.

5. How important is loyalty to your friends and family?

I prefer to keep personal and professional matters separate.
It is important, but my goals sometimes come first.
It is the most important thing to me.
I value it, but it can be sacrificed for greater good.

6. How do you view the concept of redemption?

Redemption is earned through one's actions.
Everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves.
Redemption is a personal journey that not everyone can complete.
Some actions are beyond redemption.

7. What role do your personal principles play in your daily decisions?

They guide every decision I make.
I rely on them when making major decisions.
My principles are flexible based on the situation.
They are important, but I balance them with practicality.

8. How would you describe your leadership style?

I prefer to support and uplift others rather than lead.
I inspire others through my actions and determination.
I lead with a combination of strength and compassion.
I rely on strategy and intellect to guide my team.

9. How do you perceive the value of knowledge and wisdom?

Knowledge is a tool to help others and improve the world.
Wisdom comes from experience and should be cherished.
Knowledge is power and should be pursued relentlessly.
Wisdom is knowing how and when to use knowledge.

10. What motivates you most when faced with a challenge?

The pursuit of justice and righting wrongs.
The need to prove myself and gain respect or power.
The ambition to achieve great things no matter the cost.
The desire to protect and care for my loved ones.

11. How do you typically react when someone betrays your trust?

I try to understand their reasons and perhaps forgive.
I retaliate and seek revenge for their betrayal.
I cut ties and move forward without them.
I seek to understand and possibly reconcile, but I remain cautious.

12. What is your outlook on life?

Life is about finding happiness and helping others along the way.
Life is a test of strength and resolve; only the strong thrive.
Life is complex and requires a strategic mind to navigate.
Life is a series of challenges to be overcome with determination.