Which Video Game Should You Play Next?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/28/2024



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With so many amazing video games out there, it can be tough to decide which one to dive into next. Take this quiz to find out which game perfectly matches your preferences and gaming history!

With so many amazing video games out there, it can be tough to decide which one to dive into next. Take this quiz to find out which game perfectly matches your preferences and gaming history!

1. Which game genres do you enjoy the most?

Strategy and Simulation
Action and Adventure
Puzzle and Casual Games
Role-Playing Games (RPG)

2. Which game mechanics do you find most engaging?

Puzzle-solving and logic challenges
Exploration and open-world
Fast-paced combat
Strategic planning and resource management

3. Which of these games have you enjoyed the most in the past?

Civilization VI
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Last of Us Part II

4. How much time do you prefer to spend on a single gaming session?

1-2 hours
More than 4 hours
2-4 hours
Less than an hour

5. What type of graphics style do you prefer in games?

Retro and pixelated
Stylized and artistic
Realistic and detailed
Cartoonish and colorful

6. What level of difficulty do you prefer in your games?

Hard and demanding
Moderate with some challenge
Easy and relaxing
Dynamic difficulty based on performance

7. Which in-game activity do you enjoy the most?

Combat and action
Building and creating
Solving puzzles
Exploration and discovery

8. What type of storytelling do you prefer in games?

Action-packed and straightforward
Minimalistic and open to interpretation
Deep and emotional narratives
Light and humorous

9. How much player interaction do you prefer in your games?

Competitive multiplayer
Cooperative multiplayer
Primarily single-player
Minimal interaction

10. Which gaming platform do you primarily use?


11. Do you enjoy games that offer a high level of customization?

Yes, a high level of character and world customization
Minimal customization
Moderate customization
No preference

12. How important are social and community aspects in games for you?

Indifferent, I enjoy both solo and multiplayer equally
Somewhat important, I enjoy occasional multiplayer
Very important, I love being part of a gaming community
Not very important, I prefer solo gaming

13. What kind of emotional response do you seek in a game?

Relaxing and stress-free
Immersive and emotional
Exciting and adrenaline-pumping
Thought-provoking and puzzling