Which World of Warcraft Classic Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/18/2024



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Dive into the world of Azeroth and discover which World of Warcraft Classic character best matches your gaming style and personality. Answer questions about your gameplay preferences, class choices, and personal traits to find out!

Dive into the world of Azeroth and discover which World of Warcraft Classic character best matches your gaming style and personality. Answer questions about your gameplay preferences, class choices, and personal traits to find out!

1. What type of role do you prefer in a team?

Providing critical support and healing
Using agility and strategic attacks to defeat enemies
Dealing massive damage from afar with magic
Leading from the front, absorbing damage

2. Which type of armor do you prefer to wear?

Medium armor that balances protection and mobility
Robes imbued with magical properties
Heavy armor that offers strong protection
Light and agile armor, maximizing speed and flexibility

3. What type of weapons do you prefer to wield?

A powerful staff or wand channeling arcane magic
Maces, hammers, or shields for close combat and defense
A heavy weapon like an axe or sword
Bows, crossbows, or firearms for ranged attacks

4. Which type of gameplay do you enjoy the most?

Supporting a main character with professions and crafting
Solo questing and completing storylines
Exploring dungeons and raiding with a group
Engaging in epic large scale battles and PvP combat

5. Which personality trait suits you the most?

Wise and strategic
Compassionate and kind
Strong and fierce
Cunning and ambitious

6. How do you handle difficult situations?

Support and heal those around you
Confront head-on with bravery
Calmly analyze and strategize
Use unconventional methods and risks

7. What motivates you the most?

Freedom and survival
Justice and righteousness
Wisdom and understanding
Power and dominance

8. How important is teamwork to you?

I prefer to work alone
Important, but I can lead if necessary
Crucial, I thrive in a team
Flexible, I adapt to what’s needed

9. Which environment do you feel most at home?

Arcane towers and magical places
High mountains and fortresses
Ancient and mystical forests
Dark and shadowy domains

10. What is your approach to learning new skills?

Experimentation and exploring new ways
Seeking wisdom from ancient sources
Through practical experience and adaptation
Through discipline and rigorous training

11. What's your stance on magic?

Magic is a powerful tool to be mastered
Magic is dangerous but can be harnessed for good
Magic should be used sparingly and wisely
Magic is against my principles

12. How do you view leadership?

Leadership requires compassion and healing
A leader should inspire and protect their people
A leader must be strong and lead by example
Leadership is about strategy and wisdom