Discover Your Ideal Passive Income


Created 6/29/2024



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Find out the best type of passive income for you based on your money, time, and risk attitudes.

Find out the best type of passive income for you based on your money, time, and risk attitudes.

1. How much money are you willing to invest initially for setting up a passive income stream?

Less than $100
$100 - $1,000
$1,000 - $10,000
More than $10,000

2. How much time can you dedicate to setting up your passive income stream?

Less than 1 hour per week
1-5 hours per week
5-10 hours per week
More than 10 hours per week

3. What is your risk tolerance level?

Very low (can't bear any losses)
Low (can tolerate small losses)
Moderate (can tolerate moderate losses)
High (willing to take significant risks)

4. Do you have any existing skills or expertise you want to leverage?

Yes, I can create digital content (e.g., courses, e-books)
Yes, I have skills in real estate management
Yes, I have investment expertise
No, I'm looking to start something new

5. When do you expect to start seeing returns from your passive income venture?

Within 1 month
1-6 months
6-12 months
More than 12 months

6. Would you prefer a more hands-off approach after the initial setup?

Yes, I want minimal ongoing involvement
No, I enjoy regular involvement
I don’t mind occasional management
I’m undecided

7. How interested are you in real estate as a passive income source?

Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested
Not sure

8. Are you comfortable with the idea of online sales or content creation?

Yes, very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not comfortable
Not sure

9. How important is liquidity to you? (Being able to access your money easily)

Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Not sure

10. Are you open to learning new skills to generate passive income?

Yes, I am open to learning
Maybe, if it's necessary
No, I prefer to use my existing skills
Not sure

11. Do you prefer passive income sources that offer regular payouts, such as monthly or quarterly dividends?

Yes, I prefer regular payouts
I don’t mind irregular payouts
No preference
Not sure

12. Would you consider sharing or renting out assets you already own for passive income?

Yes, definitely
Not applicable (I don’t own shareable assets)

13. What best describes your long-term goal for passive income?

Full financial independence
Supplementary income
Savings for specific goals (e.g., travel, education)
Exploring new opportunities without a specific goal