Are You Ready for a Black Mirror Marathon? Take This Trivia Quiz to Find Out!


Created 6/25/2024



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Step into the dark and thought-provoking world of Black Mirror! Answer these trivia questions to find out if you're truly ready for a marathon of this mind-bending series.

Step into the dark and thought-provoking world of Black Mirror! Answer these trivia questions to find out if you're truly ready for a marathon of this mind-bending series.

1. Which 'Black Mirror' episode features a psychological horror element?

San Junipero
White Bear

2. 'Bandersnatch' is famous for being Netflix's first interactive movie. What is its primary theme?

Free will
Romantic love
Political satire

3. Which 'Black Mirror' episode is often recommended to watch first for newcomers and features a social media rating system?

The National Anthem
White Bear
Men Against Fire

4. What unique twist does the episode 'White Christmas' bring to the 'Black Mirror' series?

It's a holiday special
It's a comedy episode
It's filmed in black and white
It's set in space

5. 'San Junipero' received critical acclaim for its unique approach to storytelling. What genre best describes this episode?

Romantic drama
Political thriller
Psychological horror
Science fiction

6. How are the episodes 'Nosedive' and 'Smithereens' connected?

Both involve social media themes
Both are set in the same universe
Both feature the same main character
Both are directed by Jodie Foster

7. In 'USS Callister', what real-world issue does the storyline metaphorically address?

Abuse of power
Climate change
Reality TV culture
Corporate espionage

8. Which of the following 'Black Mirror' episodes has a particularly dark view on home entertainment?

Fifteen Million Merits
Hated in the Nation

9. What is a common element found in nearly every 'Black Mirror' episode?

Dystopian themes
Medieval settings
Talking animals

10. Which 'Black Mirror' episode explores the theme of digital consciousness and afterlife?

San Junipero
Black Museum
The Entire History of You
Striking Vipers