Which Mr. Robot Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Dive into the chaotic digital world and find out which iconic character from the hit series Mr. Robot you resonate with the most. Are you a mastermind like Elliot Alderson or a strategist like Angela Moss? Let's find out!

Dive into the chaotic digital world and find out which iconic character from the hit series Mr. Robot you resonate with the most. Are you a mastermind like Elliot Alderson or a strategist like Angela Moss? Let's find out!

1. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Volunteering for causes or participating in community activities.
Reading a book or working on a personal project.
Exploring new places or engaging in hobbies outdoors.
Hanging out with friends or attending social events.

2. How do you approach solving a complex problem?

Brainstorming multiple ideas and choosing the most innovative one.
Consulting with others and getting a team involved.
Using previous experiences and gut feelings.
Break it down into smaller, manageable tasks.

3. What would you do if you found out a close friend was involved in illegal activities?

Report them to the authorities.
Ignore it and keep my distance.
Help them find a way to get out of the situation safely.
Confront them and encourage them to stop.

4. How do you handle stressful situations?

Seek support from friends or colleagues.
Avoid it until I can clear my head.
Take immediate action to resolve it.
Stay calm and think through the situation logically.

5. What role do you typically take in a team project?

Supporter - I prefer to help and provide support.
Leader - I like to guide and inspire others.
Strategist - I like to plan and organize.
Independent - I work best alone.

6. How would you describe your technology proficiency?

Intermediate - I can manage everyday tech needs.
Advanced - I'm proficient and can handle most tech tasks.
Expert - I can code, hack, and solve complex tech problems.
Basic - I'm not very tech-savvy.

7. What motivates you the most in life?

Achieving success in my career.
Justice and making the world a better place.
Power and control over my destiny.
Support and connection with others.

8. How do you handle conflicts with others?

Avoid confrontation and find a peaceful way around it.
Address them head-on and find a resolution.
Use manipulation and strategic thinking.
Let my emotions guide my actions.

9. How do you prefer to work on tasks?

Adaptively, tackling each task as it comes.
Alone, without interference from others.
Collaboratively, sharing the load with others.
With a well-defined plan and timetable.

10. How do you usually make decisions?

Based on my feelings and intuition.
Based on logic and careful analysis.
Strategically, weighing all possible outcomes.
Quickly and instinctively, relying on gut feeling.

11. How do you view authority and rules?

Necessary for maintaining order and fairness.
To be challenged and questioned.
A necessary evil to get what I want.
Flexible depending on the situation.

12. How do you prefer to communicate with others?

Through deep and meaningful conversations.
Casually and light-heartedly.
Strategically to influence and persuade.
Direct and to the point.

13. What is your attitude towards change?

I prefer stability and consistency.
I seek to create and control change.
I embrace it and see it as an opportunity.
I am cautious but adaptable.