Which Warhammer Fantasy Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Discover which iconic character from the Warhammer Fantasy universe you most closely resemble! Answer questions about your personality, strategic preferences, and battle tactics to find out.

Discover which iconic character from the Warhammer Fantasy universe you most closely resemble! Answer questions about your personality, strategic preferences, and battle tactics to find out.

1. How do you prefer to lead your army?

Through cunning strategies and ruthless tactics to ensure my dominance.
With elegance and wisdom, inspiring my troops with noble ideals.
By sheer force and a relentless drive for victory.
Through charisma and an unyielding sense of duty.

2. How do you handle conflicts within your ranks?

Resolve them diplomatically, seeking a balanced and fair solution.
Suppress dissent with an iron fist; dissent is not tolerated.
Allow conflicts to play out naturally, then reward the strongest.
Manipulate rivals and turn them against each other.

3. What moral alignment best reflects your personality?

Evil, doing whatever it takes to achieve my ends.
Chaotic, thriving in freedom and unpredictability.
Lawful and good, always striving to do what is right by others.
Neutral, prioritizing my own goals and motivations above a moral alignment.

4. What type of combat do you prefer?

Ambush tactics, catching my enemies off guard.
Magical onslaught, using spells and enchantments to dominate.
Ranged and tactical approaches, striking from afar.
Close combat, engaging in brutal and direct confrontation.

5. What motivates you to fight?

Personal thrill and the challenge of combat.
Power and control over others.
Spreading chaos and causing destruction.
Justice and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

6. How do you value loyalty?

I value loyalty deeply and remain true to my allies.
I expect loyalty but am willing to betray if it serves my interests.
Loyalty is earned through actions and mutual respect.
Loyalty is irrelevant; power and fear ensure obedience.

7. Your ultimate goal as a leader?

To rule the world and expand my influence.
To uphold traditions and protect my people.
To survive and thrive in a hostile world.
To seek knowledge and enlightenment.

8. How do you handle betrayal within your ranks?

Use the betrayal to my advantage strategically.
Ignore it if it does not impact my immediate goals.
Forgive and seek to understand the reasons behind it.
Crush the betrayer completely to set an example.

9. What is your approach to alliances with other factions?

I am open to alliances if they align with our interests.
I form alliances to use them for personal gain and then discard them.
I avoid alliances and prefer to rely on my own strength.
I form and break alliances based on convenience.

10. What do you value most in your followers?

Obedience and fear.
Strength and combat prowess.
Loyalty and devotion.
Intelligence and cunning.

11. How do you respond to a surprise attack?

Use powerful magic to turn the tide of battle.
Launch a fierce counterattack to overwhelm the enemy.
Retreat to regroup and plan a strategic counter.
Set up an ambush to catch the attackers off guard.

12. In a negotiation, how do you get what you want?

Threats and intimidation.
Manipulation and deceit.
Charm and diplomacy.
Honest dealings and fair agreements.

13. What is your long-term vision for your faction?

Dominance over all other factions.
Expansion and conquering new territories.
Stability and maintaining order.
Enlightenment and advancing knowledge.