Is Your Music Taste More Iron Maiden or Judas Priest?


Created 7/1/2024



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Are you a headbanging metal maniac or a leather-clad metal god? Find out if your music taste rocks harder with Iron Maiden's epic anthems or Judas Priest's legendary riffs!

Are you a headbanging metal maniac or a leather-clad metal god? Find out if your music taste rocks harder with Iron Maiden's epic anthems or Judas Priest's legendary riffs!

1. What kind of guitar solos do you prefer?

Melodic and intricate
Fast and aggressive
Experimental and progressive
Simple but powerful

2. Which theme do you find most engaging in lyrics?

Historical events
Futuristic and sci-fi
Personal struggles and rebellion
Mythical and fantasy tales

3. How do you like your live performances to be?

Theatrical and grand
Raw and spontaneous
Technical and precise
Intense and energetic

4. Which vocal style do you prefer?

Operatic and soaring
High-pitched and powerful
Deep and gritty
Smooth and melodic

5. What do you value most in a band's discography?

Consistency over the years
Evolution and experimentation
Hard-hitting classics
A mix of everything

6. Which album cover appeals to you the most?

Epic and detailed illustrations
Bold and iconic symbols
Dark and mysterious imagery
Vibrant and expressive art

7. What kind of stage outfits do you like?

Leather and spikes
Colorful and elaborate
Simple and casual
Classic rock attire

8. Which band’s era do you prefer?

70s pioneers of metal
80s New Wave of British Heavy Metal
90s and beyond
All eras have their charm

9. Who is your ideal frontman?

Emotional and charismatic
Energetic and engaging
Mysterious and commanding
Versatile and adaptable

10. Which type of metal sub-genre do you gravitate towards?

Heavy metal
Thrash metal
Progressive metal
Classic rock and metal fusion