Find Your Perfect Post-Rock Genre

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Dive into the immersive world of post-rock and find the perfect genre that resonates with your musical instinct. Should your soundtrack be ambient, experimental, or textural? Let's find out!

Dive into the immersive world of post-rock and find the perfect genre that resonates with your musical instinct. Should your soundtrack be ambient, experimental, or textural? Let's find out!

1. Which instrument do you prefer to be the focus in the music you listen to?

Complex and intricate guitar work.
Synths and electronic textures.
Strong bass and dynamic drums.
Guitar for its rich, layered sounds.

2. Where do you prefer to listen to music?

While working or studying, for focus.
At home while relaxing or reading.
In a live concert setting with high energy.
During a road trip, feeling the journey.

3. What emotional tone do you prefer in music?

Intense and powerful.
Melancholic and introspective.
Hypnotic and immersive.
Uplifting and cinematic.

4. How do you feel about the use of vocals in music?

I prefer purely instrumental music.
I appreciate experimental or abstract vocal use.
I like occasional, subtle vocals.
I enjoy a blend with significant vocal presence.

5. What type of song structures do you find most appealing?

Smooth, organic transitions.
Repetitive and hypnotic minimalism.
Complex and dynamic changes.
Epic build-ups and crescendos.

6. Which other genres or influences do you enjoy?

Classical or orchestral.
Metal or hard rock.
Electronic or ambient.
Jazz or blues.

7. How important are complex rhythms and time signatures to you?

I prefer more straightforward rhythms.
I appreciate them, but they're not essential.
I enjoy a balance between complexity and simplicity.
Very important, I love intricate rhythms.

8. Do you enjoy music that challenges traditional genre boundaries?

I'm open to both traditional and experimental music.
I appreciate it, but not always necessary.
Absolutely, I love innovative and boundary-pushing music.
I prefer music that stays within certain genre conventions.

9. How do you feel about long, evolving compositions?

I love them, the longer the better.
I prefer shorter, more concise tracks.
I'm indifferent to length as long as it's interesting.
I enjoy them occasionally.

10. How do you feel about the use of effects and production techniques in music?

Subtle effects that enhance the music are best.
I prefer minimal or no effects, more natural sounds.
I love creative and heavy use of effects.
I like a balance between clean sounds and effects.

11. What role do you think atmosphere should play in music?

It should be central, creating an immersive experience.
I prefer more straightforward, less atmospheric music.
It should complement the music but not dominate.
A balance where atmosphere enhances certain parts.

12. How intricate do you like the musical compositions to be?

More straightforward and minimalistic.
Highly intricate with lots of layers.
Balanced with both simple and complex elements.
Complex but still accessible.

13. Do you enjoy music that has a thematic or narrative element?

I enjoy both instrumental and narrative elements.
Yes, I love music with a strong theme or story.
Narrative is less important to me.
I'm more interested in the sound and feel than a narrative.