How Well Do You Know Prey vs Predator Adaptations?


Created 6/23/2024


Q & A

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Test your knowledge on the fascinating adaptations of prey and predators with this quiz designed for 15 year old students. See how many correct answers you can get out of 5!

Test your knowledge on the fascinating adaptations of prey and predators with this quiz designed for 15 year old students. See how many correct answers you can get out of 5!

1. Which of the following is an adaptation to help an organism escape its predator?

Hibernating during winter
Having large ears
Having shells and spines
Having closely packed feathers

2. The hawk moth caterpillar disguises its tail as a snake's head to frighten off predators. What adaptation is this?

Having strong senses
Appearing bigger

3. The Arctic fox can change the colour of its fur to blend in with the surroundings during different seasons. What adaptation is this?

Having colourful body coverings
Having strong senses

4. Which of the following are adaptations for catching prey?

Having a sticky tongue
Hunting in groups
Using traps and venoms

5. How does the beak of this bird help it to hunt and eat its food?

It helps it to pick up food in muddy soil
It can tear the flesh of its prey
It can help to scoop up fish that is in the water
It can help to crack open nuts