Fauci Covid Email Scandal Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

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Created 6/10/2024



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Think you know all about the Fauci Covid email scandal? Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz and see how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

Think you know all about the Fauci Covid email scandal? Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz and see how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

1. What was Dr. Anthony Fauci testifying about before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee?

COVID vaccine effectiveness
Funding for medical research
Emails from agency officials
Pandemic preparedness

2. Who wrote the emails that were a focus of the congressional committee?

David Morens
Anthony Fauci
Peter Daszak
Deborah Ross

3. What did Morens refer to some of his comments in the emails as?

Snarky jokes
Important updates
Professional advice
Scientific data

4. Which organization's relationship with the Wuhan lab was a topic in Morens' emails?

EcoHealth Alliance
World Health Organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health

5. What did Rep. Ross say the emails did to public trust?

Enhanced it
Had no effect
Inflicted serious damage
Improved transparency

6. What did Morens say he did not knowingly delete?

Personal emails
Official records
Financial documents
Scientific data

7. What was Morens’ email advice on handling sensitive subjects?

Do not discuss sensitive subjects via email.
Store emails in a secure server.
Delete all emails when a subject is getting sensitive.
Forward emails to personal accounts.

8. In his emails, what theory did Morens dismiss regarding the origin of COVID?

Natural zoonotic crossover
Lab leak theory
Contaminated food sources
Climate change impact

9. What was Rep. Ruiz’s criticism of Morens related to?

Promoting the lab leak theory
Misogynistic remarks
Ignoring scientific hypotheses
Withholding research data

10. What did Rep. Wenstrup suggest about the emails?

They support the lab leak theory
They demonstrate a conspiracy to avoid public transparency
They confirm vaccine effectiveness
They highlight Fauci’s achievements