Which American Horror Story Villain Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which American Horror Story villain matches your dark tendencies with this thrilling quiz! Dive into the twisted world of horror and discover your inner villain.

Find out which American Horror Story villain matches your dark tendencies with this thrilling quiz! Dive into the twisted world of horror and discover your inner villain.

1. What drives you the most?

Power and control
Revenge and justice
Love and acceptance
Chaos and fear

2. How do you handle criticism?

I manipulate others to turn the situation in my favor.
I lash out on impulse.
I methodically plan my next move against those who criticize me.
I use it as fuel to intensify my actions.

3. Which location feels like home to you?

An abandoned house full of dark secrets
A secluded forest
A crowded urban area where I can hide in plain sight
An opulent, eerie hotel

4. What’s your leadership style?

Charismatic and manipulative
Ruthless and strategic
Inspiring and visionary
Terrifying and dominant

5. How do you treat your enemies?

I manipulate them to become allies.
I find creative, brutal ways to eliminate them.
I psychologically torment them.
I create fear and hysteria to overpower them.

6. What’s your biggest weakness?

Acting impulsively in anger
Letting past trauma control my actions
Struggling with feelings of isolation
Overconfidence in my abilities

7. What role does love play in your life?

A tool for manipulation
A deep, yet twisted yearning
A distant and unfulfilled desire
Something to exploit for personal gain

8. What’s your reaction to betrayal?

I plot revenge meticulously.
I unleash my rage immediately.
I feel a deep sense of personal failure.
I turn it into a terrifying lesson for others.

9. How do you manage your darker tendencies?

By harnessing them to maintain control over others
By indulging them to satisfy my needs
By masking them under a facade of normalcy
By embracing them fully to become feared

10. What’s the most important trait in a follower?

Loyalty, no matter the cost
Fear of my power
Shared vision and dedication
Willingness to do whatever it takes