Which Mac Miller Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Take this quiz to find out which Mac Miller song best fits how you're feeling today and get a taste of Mac's musical range!

Take this quiz to find out which Mac Miller song best fits how you're feeling today and get a taste of Mac's musical range!

1. How are you feeling right now?

Motivated and optimistic
Bittersweet and nostalgic
Comforted and reassured
Reflective and introspective

2. What's your favorite music genre?

Hip-hop with deep lyrics
Soulful and smooth
Emotional and instrumental
Funky and groovy beats

3. Which lyrical themes do you prefer?

Overcoming struggles
Nostalgia and reminiscence
Self-reflection and personal growth
Love and relationships

4. What's your ideal meeting spot with friends?

A bustling city street
A cozy coffee shop
An intimate home gathering
A lively park

5. When is your favorite time of day to listen to music?

Early morning
Late night

6. What do you look for in the perfect song?

Emotional depth
Catchy and upbeat melody
Relaxing and calming vibe
Thought-provoking lyrics

7. How do you typically handle stress?

Seek comfort from loved ones
Reflect and self-analyze
Keep busy and active
Need to unwind and relax

8. Which place brings you the most peace?

In nature
At home
By the ocean or water
Traveling somewhere new

9. How do you prefer to consume music?

Vinyl records
Streaming online
Live performances

10. What kind of beats do you generally enjoy?

Introspective and calming
Smooth and mellow
Complex and layered
Energetic and punchy

11. Which of the following quotes resonates with you most?

"Take risks — experience failure, rejection. You aren’t going to live forever."
"Movin’ so fast, the clock look slow."
"I know that somebody knows me / I know somewhere there’s home."
"You never told me being rich was so lonely."

12. Do you find solace in introspective or outward reflection?

A balance of both
Outward reflection

13. What do you seek most from listening to music?

Relaxation and calmness
Insight and reflection
Motivation and energy
Comfort and reassurance