Discover Your Prison Inmate Type

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Created 6/11/2024



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Uncover your true nature by finding out which prison inmate type you are! Take this quiz to see if you would be a cunning mastermind, a loyal friend, or a wild rebel.

Uncover your true nature by finding out which prison inmate type you are! Take this quiz to see if you would be a cunning mastermind, a loyal friend, or a wild rebel.

1. When confronted by authority, how do you typically react?

Try to talk your way out
Get aggressive
Feel nervous and comply
Blame others

2. How important is being part of a group to you?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all

3. How do you feel about rules and regulations?

They are guidelines to be bent
They are meant to be broken
They provide structure
They are obstacles

4. How do you handle disagreements?

Try to mediate
Start a confrontation
Avoid conflict
Stick to your beliefs stubbornly

5. How do you react when someone else gets credit for your work?

Feel resentful
Confront them
Let it go
Rationalize why it happened

6. When making decisions, do you consider how it affects others?


7. Do you believe you deserve special treatment?

Yes, always
Most of the time
Only if I've earned it
No, everyone is equal

8. How often do you worry about what others think of you?


9. When faced with a problem, what is your first instinct?

Ask for help
Blame someone else
Tackle it yourself
Ignore it

10. How do you typically get what you want?

Convince others to help
Use intimidation
Follow the rules
Manipulate the situation

11. How do you handle being told 'No'?

Accept it
Fight against it
Feel frustrated but comply
Rationalize why they said no

12. What motivates you the most?

Approval from others
Power and control
Moral beliefs
Personal gain