Test Your Low-Level Programming Knowledge!

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/12/2024



Q & A

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Do you have what it takes to master low-level programming?

Do you have what it takes to master low-level programming?

1. Which of the following is an assembly language instruction for transferring data accurately?

movd eax, ebx
movapd eax, ebx
mov eax, ebx
movq eax, ebx

2. What does the 'xor' instruction do in assembly language?

Performs a logical OR
Sets a register to zero
Performs a bitwise AND
Performs a bitwise exclusive OR

3. Which of these is a basic or fundamental part of the CPU architecture?

USB controllers
Cache memory
Secondary storage

4. What does the 'jmp' instruction do in an assembly program?

Performs a function call
Transfers control to a different part of the program
Increments the instruction pointer
Compares two values

5. What is a pointer in C programming?

A constant value
A variable that stores memory addresses
A variable that can store any data type
A reference to a variable

6. How are dynamic memory allocations performed in C?

Using new and delete (C++ feature)
Using malloc and free functions
Using realloc and delete
Using calloc and dealloc

7. What does the term 'bitwise shift' refer to in low-level programming?

Assigning variables in loops
Moving bits left or right in a binary number
Rotating bits in memory
Switching bytes in memory

8. Which register is commonly used as the stack pointer in x86/x86-64 assembly language?


9. Which low-level system call is typically used to read input in a Unix-based system?


10. What does the 'add' instruction do in assembly language?

Performs a bitwise OR
Subtracts two values
Adds two values and stores the result
Multiplies two values

11. What is the primary purpose of the 'cmp' instruction in assembly language?

Transfers control unconditionally
Performs a logical NOT
Copies data between registers
Compares two values

12. Which of the following correctly describes a segment in memory management?

An isolated memory page
A contiguous block of memory
A logical unit of memory
A virtual address space