Discover Your Koppen Climate Classification


Created 6/30/2024



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Are you a tropical rainforest, a desert wanderer, or a temperate dweller? Take this quiz to find out which Koppen climate classification best suits your personality!

Are you a tropical rainforest, a desert wanderer, or a temperate dweller? Take this quiz to find out which Koppen climate classification best suits your personality!

1. What is your ideal vacation destination?

Rainforest retreat
Desert excursion
Coastal getaway
Mountain adventure

2. How do you prefer your summers?

Hot and wet
Hot and dry
Warm and breezy
Cool and crisp

3. How do you like your winters?

Mild and rainy
Cold and snowy
Dry and windy
Icy and frozen

4. Which type of landscape appeals to you the most?

Lush greenery
Expansive deserts
Rolling hills and forests
Snow-covered tundras

5. What type of weather do you enjoy waking up to?

Tropical rain showers
Dry, sunny skies
Mild, partly cloudy
Light snowfall

6. What is your preferred level of humidity?

High humidity
Low humidity
Moderate humidity
Dry and crisp air

7. How do you feel about rainfall?

Love frequent rain
Prefer it rarely
Occasional rain is fine
Snow over rain

8. What's your favorite type of seasonal transition?

Consistent warmth
Hot summers to cool winters
Noticeable seasonal changes
Long winters

9. What is your comfort range for average annual temperature?

Above 18°C (64°F)
16-18°C (60-64°F)
0-18°C (32-64°F)
Below 0°C (32°F)

10. What kind of plant life do you prefer?

Tropical vegetation
Cacti and succulents
Deciduous forests
Coniferous forests and tundra flora

11. How do you like your nights?

Warm and humid
Cool and dry
Mild and comfortable
Cold and frosty

12. What type of air mass do you feel most comfortable in?

Maritime tropical
Continental hot
Maritime mild
Continental cold

13. Which geographical feature do you find most captivating?

Lush rainforests
Expansive deserts
Gently rolling plains
Snow-covered mountains

14. What kind of climate's extremes are most appealing to you?

Very wet
Very dry
Moderate seasons
Extreme cold

15. How do you handle extreme cold?

Not at all
With difficulty
Quite well
Love it